Of all these moments, it exploded from the beginning a great number of researches thats ought to determine not only the biological and epidemiological mechanisms but the clinical features, in which led patients and their family members to over crowd care centers specialized in the field. Itis clear that these epidemics also represent issues to be faced by the governments, and further more, no one can forget these family members and people’s emotional suffering. Available in Portuguese and English. … Read More →
Eficácia da máscara facial (TNT) na população para prevenção de infecções por coronavírus: Revisão sistemática
Como indicado para o benefício potencial das máscaras padrão TNT. Para o cenário atual de pandemia por COVID 19, recomenda-se a educação sobre o uso adequado de máscaras, relacionadas a medidas individuais de proteção. Disponível em português. … Read More →
Recommendations of the Brazilian College of Surgeons for laparoscopic surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic [Originally published in Rev. Col. Bras. Cir., vol. 47]
The aim of this technical note is, trough a compilaton of publications and recommendations from Scientific Societies of Surgery worldwide, to provide guidelines regarding laparoscopic access during the COVID-19 pandemic. Available in Portuguese and English. … Read More →
Laparoscopic or robotic intraoperative management to minimize aerosol dispersion: Adaptations to the context of the COVID-19 pandemic [Originally published in Rev. Col. Bras. Cir., vol. 47]
In this publication, we highlight and teach adaptations to be made with commonly used materials in laparoscopy to help prevent the spread and contamination of the healthcare team assisting surgical patients. Available in Portuguese and English. … Read More →
Alternatives for establishing a surgical airway during the COVID-19 pandemic [Originally published in Rev. Col. Bras. Cir., vol. 47]
Currently, the states with the highest number of cases are, respectively, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal and Ceará. The objective of this work is to offer alternatives in order to guide surgeons regarding the surgical management of the airways in patients with suspicion and / or confirmation for COVID-19 infection. Available in Portuguese and English. … Read More →
Physical Activity And Reducing Sedentary Behavior During The Coronavirus Pandemic [Originally published in Arq. Bras. Cardiol.]
Based on the studies consulted, the evidence confirms the importance of continuing to practice physical activities during the novel coronavirus pandemic, with light to moderate intensity and duration, preferably in outdoor environments or at home. In addition, it is also very important to emphasize reducing sedentary behavior, namely, time spent sitting, lying down, or reclining, excluding sleep hours, and time spent in front of the television, computer, and similar devices. Available in Portuguese and English. … Read More →
Immunocompromised patients and coronavirus disease 2019: a review and recommendations for dental health care [Originally published in Braz. Oral Res., vol. 34]
Changes in the current guidelines have been proposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection control in order to provide the best and safe dental practice. However, they still need to be validated by future studies. Available in English. Image: Jon Tyson. … Read More →
The need to strengthen Primary Health Care in Brazil in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic [Originally published in Braz. Oral Res., vol. 34]
Brazil, like other countries, has faced the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. As Brazil has a universal and decentralized health system, in which PHC has been the model of health re-organizing the health system; here we reflected the importance of strengthening PHC in Brazil in the times of coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Available in English. Image: Tim Mossholder. … Read More →
Importation and early local transmission of COVID-19 in Brazil, 2020 [Originally published in Rev. Inst. Med. trop. S. Paulo, vol. 62]
We conducted the genome sequencing and analysis of the first confirmed COVID-19 infections in Brazil. Rapid sequencing coupled with phylogenetic analyses in the context of travel history corroborate multiple independent importations from Italy and local spread during the initial stage of COVID-19 transmission in Brazil. Available in English. Image: engin akyurt. … Read More →
The impact of COVID-19 on Brazilian mental health through vicarious traumatization [Originally published in Braz. J. Psychiatry]
Pandemics and epidemics affect physical health and compromise psychosocial integrity, generally resulting in a high level of psychological suffering and psychosocial maladjustment. People facing the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak tend to be more susceptible to alterations in physical (not necessarily related to clinical symptoms), cognitive, behavioral and emotional aspects. Available in English. Image: Andrew Leu. … Read More →
A ciência e a RBCE em tempos de pandemia [Originalmente publicado na Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Esporte, vol.42]
Ao tempo que lançamos o volume 42 da Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte, enfrentamos uma pandemia. Na véspera de 2020, em 31 de dezembro de 2019, a China alertou Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) sobre vários casos de pneumonia na cidade de Wuhan. Disponível em português. … Read More →
How psychosocial and economic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic can interfere on bruxism and temporomandibular disorders? [Originally published in J. Appl. Oral Sci., vol. 47]
Remarkably, it could be expected that psychological factors associated to pandemic may lead to a greater risk of developing, worsening and perpetuating bruxism (mainly awake bruxism) and TMD. Orofacial pain specialists should be aware of this fact. Guidelines for patient’s education, self-management, home care and relaxations techniques are already available on the WEB and are useful tools in times of social isolation and pain. Available in English. Image: Yingpis Kalayom. … Read More →
Anos de vida perdidos ajustados por incapacidade (DALY) entre os profissionais de enfermagem devido a infecção pelo COVID-19 no Brasil
Este estudo permite comparar a carga da doença com outros profissionais, entre regiões e outros países, salientando-se, no entanto, a necessidade de estudos de base populacional para cada profissional de saúde que forneçam informação específica de morbilidade, para orientar e informar decisões acerca da implementação de medidas para a redução da carga da doença e melhoria dos desfechos relacionados ao COVID-19. Available in English. … Read More →
SARS-COV-2 and arbovirus infections: protocol for a rapid living systematic review
While cases of COVID-19 disease increase daily worldwide, outbreaks of arboviral infections have affected health systems of countries in tropical regions. The outcomes for patients and health systems of a possible syndemic are not clarified yet. Thus, we aim to systematically review the literature searching for evidence that describes the clinical presentation, severity and prognostic of SARS-CoV-2 and Arboviral coinfection. Available in English. … Read More →
Emergência de saúde pública global por pandemia de COVID-19: desinformação, assimetria de informações e validação discursiva
Na pandemia do COVID-19 são muitas as tensões, controvérsias e conflitos entre autoridades sanitárias, pesquisadores, profissionais de saúde, pensadores críticos e defensores de direitos humanos e sociais. Destaca a importância da validação discursiva da informação pois a disseminação da informação na sociedade enfrenta o filtro do uso público da razão, particularmente aguçado pelo horizonte da finitude humana. Disponível em português. … Read More →
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