Category: Covid-19

Clinical trials on drug repositioning for COVID-19 treatment [Originally published in Rev Panam Salud Publica, vol 44]

Although drug repurposing has some limitations, repositioning clinical trials may represent an attractive strategy because they facilitate the discovery of new classes of medicines; they have lower costs and take less time to reach the market; and there are existing pharmaceutical supply chains for formulation and distribution. Available in English. Read More →

No evidence supports the use of ether and chloroform inhalation for treating COVID-19 [Originally published in Rev Panam Salud Publica, vol 44]

In Brazil, fake news about the effectiveness of an ether and chloroform blend known as “lança perfume” or “loló” were spread on social media. There is no evidence supporting claims that ether and chloroform inhalation is useful in the treatment of COVID-19. Authorities should reinforce the need to seek information from government agencies and national and international health organizations. Available in English. Read More →

Recommendations for a safety dental care management during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic [Originally published in Rev Panam Salud Publica, vol 44]

As the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is transmitted mainly through droplets, sneezes and aerosols, there is a high risk of transmission during dental procedures. This report describes measures that can be adopted by oral healthcare personnel to minimize the risk of cross-contamination in clinical practice during the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Available in English. Read More →

Ações federais para apoio e fortalecimento local no combate ao COVID-19: a atenção primária à saúde (APS) no assento do condutor

O Ministério da Saúde, por intermédio da Secretaria de Atenção Primária à Saúde e em parceria com a Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde construiu e implementou estratégias da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) no âmbito do apoio aos gestores locais e em articulação com o Conselho Nacional de Secretários Estaduais (CONASS) e Municipais de Saúde (CONASEMS) para o combate ao COVID-19. Disponível em português. Read More →

Gestión de seguridad psicológica del personal sanitario en situaciones de emergencia por COVID-19 en el contexto hospitalario o de aislamiento

La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha puesto a prueba los sistemas de salud en casi todos los países del mundo, los resultados de la propagación de la enfermedad han indicado que la seguridad psicológica del personal sanitario es condición indispensable para brindar cuidados a los enfermos, sin embargo, los documentos vigentes no tienen en cuenta de forma explícita ese aspecto. Disponible en español. Read More →

Medidas de distanciamento social no controle da pandemia de COVID-19: potenciais impactos e desafios no Brasil

Para o controle da COVID-19 no Brasil, é imprescindível que essas medidas estejam aliadas ao fortalecimento do sistema de vigilância nos três níveis do SUS, que inclui a avaliação e uso de indicadores adicionais para monitorar a evolução da pandemia e o efeito das medidas de controle, a ampliação da capacidade de testagem, e divulgação ampla e transparente das notificações e de testagem desagregados. Disponível em português. Read More →

Ion torrent-based nasopharyngeal swab metatranscriptomics in COVID-19

Herein, we describe the detection of a SARS-CoV-2 genome through metatranscriptome next-generation sequencing directly from the nasopharyngeal swab of a suspected case of local transmission of Covid-19, in Brazil. Depletion of human ribosomal RNA and use of an optimized in-house developed bioinformatics strategy contributed to successful detection of the virus. Available in English. Read More →

What has the COVID-19 pandemic taught us about adopting preventive measures? [To be published in Texto contexto – enferm., vol. 29]

The epidemiological curve of the disease clearly shows the devastating proportions in Italy, Spain and the United States, surpassing China in death records, due to the delay in adopting the aforementioned measures. In Brazil, the rapid progression in relation to the world and Latin America points to an important increase in the number of cases. Conclusion: this is possibly the most serious pandemic in recent human history, and its course can be influenced by the rigor in adopting individual and collective behavioral measures. Available in English. Read More →

An updated systematic review on the coronavirus pandemic: lessons for psychiatry [Originally published in Braz. J. Psychiatry]

The main findings highlight the negative emotion and stress experienced by healthcare workers who treat infected patients. The main symptoms included de novo complaints of insomnia, anxiety, and feelings of hopeless, as well as the reactivation of previous disorders, such as depression, anxiety and even suicidal behavior. These mental health problems not only affect patients but also medical workers. Available in English. Read More →

An infectious disease pandemic and increased suicide risk [Originally published in Braz. J. Psychiatry]

Suicide remains an important public health problem. As health care professionals respond forcefully to an infectious disease pandemic, mental health clinicians should not lose sight of suicide prevention. Available in English. Read More →

Why psychiatric treatment must not be neglected during the COVID-19 pandemic [Originally published in Braz. J. Psychiatry]

In the current crisis, mental health actions should not be forgotten or postponed. As highlighted by Silva et al., these actions include behavioral measures to facilitate social distance, identifying cognitive mechanisms and decision styles that can increase risk exposure, as well as the mental health care of professionals who deal directly with the consequences of the pandemic. Moreover, care must be prioritized for psychiatric patients, who, due to stress, are at considerable risk of clinical worsening. Available in English. Read More →

Chest CT accuracy in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection: initial experience in a cancer center [Originally published in Radiol Bras]

CT has a high accuracy for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Different interpretation criteria can provide either high sensitivity or high specificity. CT should be integrated as a triage test in resource-constrained environments during the pandemic to assist in the optimization of PCR-tests, isolation beds and intensive care units. Available in English. Read More →

The halo sign as a chest computed tomography finding of COVID-19 [Originally published in Einsten, vol. 18]

Although the halo sign constitutes a CT finding with large differential diagnosis and it is rarely found in pneumonias caused by SARS-CoV-2, this CT sign in individuals under COVID-19 investigation can help in this disease diagnosis and management, particularly during the current pandemic.
Available in English and Portuguese. Read More →

Como a Estratégia de Saúde da Família pode ser considerada ferramenta de apoio no combate ao COVID-19?

Os profissionais da Estratégia de Saúde da Família fazem a busca ativa na comunidade de possíveis casos de síndrome gripal e buscam a prevenção e o isolamento, conforme manuais de órgãos nacionais e internacionais, além de realizar acompanhamento de cada caso e a evolução, tendo como principal função, nessa atual pandemia, a de rastrear novos casos de síndrome gripal, casos suspeitos ou positivos para COVID-19, isolar esses usuários em domicílio, realizar acompanhamento domiciliar e orientações aos familiares e dos cuidadores. Disponível em português. Read More →

Germany’s ‘coronavirus anomaly’: Statistical evidence that early mass testing leads to low mortality rates

We compare the countries’ mortality rates with their respective number of tests as a function of the time since the first death. Our analysis shows that countries that either delayed mass testing, such as Italy, or have not fully adopted it, such as France and the UK, have had much higher mortality rates than Germany, which has adopted a policy of wide and early testing. Conversely, countries that have followed Germany’s example, such as Portugal, have so far had comparatively low mortality rates. Available in English. Read More →