Category: Covid-19

Comments on convenience authorship [Originally published as the editorial in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências vol. 93 no. 3]

One of the consequences of this pandemic is the increase of submission of scientific articles that has raised concerns about their quality. Along with this come authorship issues, such as convenience authorship, which should also appear on the editors’ radar because of the potential deleterious consequences that could affect the new generation of scientists. Read More →

A perspective on ethical and regulatory aspects of research involving humans in the COVID-19 pandemic

The last day of 2019 marked the official start of a major change on the planet, which “… turned the world upside down. Everything has been impacted…” When it comes to science in the COVID-19 pandemic, research involving humans has been in the spotlight, with greater exposure of its relevance and of the ethical challenges posed at the science and society interface, which has been heavily impacted by the pandemic. Read More →

It takes a global village or a recap of NISO Plus 2021

The second NISO Plus Conference was held virtually on February 22-25. This year’s theme was “Global conversations – global connections” with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), accessibility, and the changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic being transversal topics throughout the conference. This post recaps (mainly) the discussions around these topics and how they relate to our community’s current challenges. Read More →

Grim perspectives for Brazilian periodicals [Originally published as the editorial in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências vol. 93 no. 1]

Covid-19 had devastating effects that go beyond economics and also affected the periodicals published in Brazil. An editorial of the Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências has called attention that no journal published in the country will receive any support from the funding agencies in 2021 and calls for relevant stakeholders to discuss solutions to avoid the collapse of the publication system that is approaching if no measures are taken. Read More →

Notice to mariners – times have changed

Open access… and everything. Finally, what happened 20 years ago and felt like a utopia of copyright pirates is becoming irreversible, like a tsunami. Publishers and scientific information cannot ignore the theme of open access, so that they can compete and don’t stay out of this market. Things are changing and there’s no going back. Read More →

The re-use of qualitative data is an under-appreciated field for innovation and the creation of new knowledge in the social sciences [Originally published in the LSE Impact blog in June/2020]

The value and potential of data re-use and the associated methodology of qualitative secondary analysis (QSA) is often overlooked. Dr Anna Tarrant and Dr Kahryn Hughes propose, that as COVID-19 limits opportunities for qualitative research for the foreseeable future, now, more than ever the social sciences need to address the under-use of existing qualitative data. Read More →

COVID-19 publications on SciELO Preprints and SciELO Network journals

We prepared a list that includes the latest preprints available in SciELO Preprints and the most recent documents published by the SciELO Network journals about COVID-19. Access via SciELO Search. Read More →

Homemade cloth face masks as a barrier against respiratory droplets – systematic review [Originally published in Acta paul. enferm. vol.33]

Using cloth face masks provides a barrier against droplets when compared with not using any face masks. The face mask is an additional preventive mesuare and must be used along with respiratory etiquette, hand hygiene, social distancing, and isolation of cases. Image: Vera Davidova. Read More →

COVID-19 and pediatric inflammatory bowel disease: How to manage it? [Originally published in Clinics, vol. 75]

Pediatric gastroenterologists, family members, and caregivers of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are on alert; they are all focused on implementing prophylactic measures to prevent infection by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, evaluating the risks in each patient, guiding them in their treatment, and keeping IBD in remission. Image: Vanessa Bucceri. Read More →

COVID-19 in solid organ transplantation patients: A systematic review [Originally published in Clinics, vol. 75]

We performed a systematic review of SOT patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The MEDLINE and PubMed databases were electronically searched and updated until April 20, 2020. The MeSH terms used were “COVID-19” AND “Transplant”. Image: Piron Guillaume. Read More →

How Institutions Can Protect the Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-Being of Their Healthcare Workers in the Current COVID-19 Pandemic [Originally published in Clinics, vol. 75]

Specialists estimate that the world will endure a long battle against the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences. To ensure success, it is essential to keep our healthcare workers active, motivated, and healthy. Thus, we hereby recommend that all health institutions pay special attention to the mental health and psychosocial well-being of their workers. Image: Luke Jones. Read More →

Was postponing the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic games a correct decision? [Originally published in Rev Bras Med Esporte, vol.26 no.3]

Moreover, during the period planned for the games in 2020 the pandemic may be subsiding in some countries and increasing in others, and this was also taken into consideration as a risk factor. Hence, the decision taken to postpone the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games until 2021 due to the 2019-nCoV was the correct one, and was extremely important to protect the health of Olympic and Paralympic athletes, as well as spectators. Image: Erik Eastman. Read More →

COVID-19: challenges for a new epoch [Originally published in Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop., vol. 53]

Preparedness is crucial to reduce the health, economic, and social impacts of a future epidemic, it is also the only way to avoid the spread of other diseases. Pandemics are not aleatory events but are the consequence of human interactions with the environment and could be avoided or reduced through science and investments in health, education and transportation and improved through better conditions of living. Image: Lizzie Mayorga. Read More →

COVID-19 and acute pulmonary embolism: what should be considered to indicate a computed tomography pulmonary angiography scan? [Originally published in Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop., vol. 53]

Here, we present a case of a patient with COVID-19 who developed acute pulmonary embolism. Clinical and laboratory data and findings of non-enhanced CT indicate possibility of acute pulmonary embolism, and support the decision to proceed with computed tomography pulmonary angiography that can objectively identify filling defects in pulmonary arterial branches. Image: Martha Dominguez de Gouveia. Read More →

Spatiotemporal evolution of coronavirus disease 2019 mortality in Brazil in 2020 [Originally published in Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop., vol. 53]

In summary, Brazilian states with the greatest lack of health resources have shown the highest COVID-19 mortality rate. Inequalities in availability and access to the health care system represent additional challenges, given the increase in COVID-19 mortality in the country. This study reinforces the need for an urgent expansion of the operational capacity of the Unified Health System.
Image: Veit Hammer. Read More →