Tag: Internationalization

Educação em Revista: editorial challenges and scientific possibilities

Photomontage with covers of several editions of "Educação em Revista" on a blue background divided into two parts: the upper part in dark blue and the lower part in light blue. The journal's logo is positioned just above the covers.

The trajectory of Educação em Revista reflects its commitment to quality scientific publishing. This editorial addresses its transformations in scientific management, technological adaptation, internationalization, and adherence to Open Science, discussing the need to professionalize the editorial staff of Brazilian scientific journals to guarantee financial and scientific sustainability nationally and internationally. Read More →

Educação em Revista celebrates 39 years of publishing academic research: interview with the Editor

Self-portrait of Eucidio Pimenta Arruda. In the photo, he is wearing a brown jacket with the zipper closed up to near the neck, over a navy blue shirt, and prescription glasses with rectangular frames. His hair is black, short, and he is smiling. The blurred background shows some trees.

In an interview, the editor-in-chief of Educação em Revista shares information about the publication’s trajectory since it was founded in 1985, its efforts to remain free and open, and its adaptations to the latest national and international publishing trends. Read More →

SciELO preprints discoverable in Europe PMC [Originally published in the Europe PMC blog in March/2022]

SciELO preprints are now indexed and discoverable in Europe PMC. Over 1,000 SciELO preprints can be browsed in Europe PMC in their original language (Portuguese, Spanish, or English). An important outcome of this collaboration is the push for changes to scholarly infrastructure to better handle multilingual content. Read More →

Presence in Mega Indexes Project proposes to create more visibility to the journals in the SciELO Brazil Collection

Seeking out to increase international presence, facilitate access to information, and improve the generation of quality indicators of the SciELO journals, a project with the support of the Scopus Brazil team to maximize the indexing of the SciELO’s journals starting with the Brazil collection is currently in progress. The process that embraces about 75 journals started with a pre-analysis followed by a webinar, the sending of collected data to Scopus and update of the journal’s informative pages in the SciELO site. Text available only in Portuguese. Read More →

The power relations in world science. An anti-ranking to know the science produced in the periphery

The concept of mainstream science was consolidated globally because publications became the main axis of institutional and individual evaluation also in the periphery. The use of bibliometrics contributed to reinforce the extension of a progressively homogenous style of publication and the International Rankings of universities favored the extension of a heteronomous evaluative culture. However, the styles of production and circulation of the so-called science in the periphery are very diverse. Read More →

Competitiveness and Open Access of journals in a non-English speaking country

J-STAGE is a journal platform on which Japanese academic societies can publish their journals. Although more than 80% of them are freely accessible, most of them do not claim to be open access. Some barriers to open access publishing are described based on our experience obtained through conversations with the societies. Read More →

The Local and the Global: Puncturing the myth of the “international” journal

What are journals for? In one view they are a brand, a masthead that stands as a widely recognized proxy for some notion of quality assurance or interest. An alternate view is that they are communities, even “clubs” as we have explored in one article. The first of these views privileges the concept of “international” journals and an assumption that general interest implies better work. The second focuses attention on local needs and interests. Here the question is different, how well does a specific journal serve a specific community. Read More →

SciELO, Open Infrastructure and Independence

SciELO has been a shining example of how a publicly supported infrastructure could bolster scholarship and knowledge as public goods. However, its increasingly focus on “professionalization” and “internationalization” may serve to reduce the intellectual and linguistic heterogeneity of the region, while subjecting the evaluation of quality to “standards” largely set by multinational corporations that are far more interested in profit extraction than in local development. Read More →

Output and impact of Brazilian research: confronting international and national contexts

Brazilian scientific research, seen through its articles and their impact reveals a scenario that 30 years ago could not have been described. SciELO concretizes what Garfield envisioned for Latin America in the 1990s, allowing to delineate the citation flow, as in many countries, as yet unseen, and allowing to question the pertinence of Gibbs’s expression: “lost science in the third world”. Read More →

The time has come for the quality journals of Brazil

Policies, programs and research projects are expected to leverage journals of Brazil which will contribute to widening the recognition and qualification of Brazilian science in its scientific and social dimensions, beyond the classic bibliometric ranking of journals which influences researchers, academic institutions, journals and funding agencies. Read More →

SciELO 20 Years – September 26-28th, 2018

The celebration of SciELO’s 20 years will comprise a series of events related to the evaluation of the performance of SciELO as a differentiated model of open access publishing. The events will culminate with an international conference which projects as a landmark forum for discussing the innovations of scholarly communication in line with open science practices. Read More →

Editors of Brazilian journals – a hard life that is getting harder! [Originally published as the editorial in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências vol. 89 no. 1]

The financing of journals of Brazil can be improved by extending the validity period of research grants, in order to allow publishers a better plan for articles publication. An editorial written by Alexander Kellner in the first issue of 2017 of Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências examines the challenge faced by editors of journals of Brazil and highlights their hard work in attracting relevant manuscripts, seeking to achieve ever greater levels of excellence and internationalization. Read More →

Internationalization as an indicator of journal performance in Brazil: the case of Psychology

The path to strengthening scientific publications almost always goes through internationalization. Publishing in English, however, is not enough to reach a truly global audience and indices comparable to the most prestigious journals. A study on the degree of internationalization of Brazilian psychology journals shows how to walk this path. Read More →

The adoption of English among SciELO Brazil journals has been increasing

The adoption of the English language is one of the advances that SciELO is promoting in order to increase the insertion, visibility and international impact of journals and the research they communicate. In recent years, the adoption of English has growing consistently among SciELO journals, which, from 2014 reached the milestone of publishing more in English than in Portuguese. The expectation of SciELO is that in the 2 to 3 forthcoming years 75% of the articles will be published in English and 40 to 50% in Portuguese. Read More →

Internationalization of journals was the central topic of the 4th Annual SciELO Meeting

The extent of national and international dimensions as determinants of the performance of journals of Brazil dominated the program of the 4th Annual SciELO Meeting, held on December 2, at the FAPESP auditorium in São Paulo. Currently responsible for the communication of more than 25% of the national scientific production indexed internationally, the journals of Brazil influence the country’s international scientometric ranking, positively in number of articles and negatively in received citations per article. Read More →