Tag: Open Science

New tool to assess equity in scholarly communication models

Digital illustration of a group of people sitting around a table, surrounded by books, discussing and sharing ideas

The “How Equitable Is It” tool, launched at the OASPA 2024 conference, was developed by a multi-stakeholder Working Group convened by cOAlition S, Jisc and PLOS, with the goal to provide a framework for evaluating scholarly communication models and arrangements on the axis of equity. Read More →

Editorial policies for inclusion and diversity in the Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença

Part of the cover of Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença, vol. 7, no. 2, 2017, showing a painting with the face of a black person.

The Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença has implemented important changes by adopting Open Science practices with a focus on IDEIA principles, being a pioneer in the area of Performing Arts in Brazil. Prior to this, the journal already followed similar principles, as evidenced by the thematic section “Performance and Ethnic-Racial Relations”, published in 2017. Read More →

Performing Arts research highlighted on the blog “SciELO in Perspective”

Photomontage of four issues of the “Brazilian Journal of Presence Studies”, showing different covers with different themes and people. In the center, there is a vertical column with three stylized “P*” logos; the logos at the ends are black, while the central logo is white.

The Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença Special Week, taking place this week, will explore themes such as the notion of presence, methodological diversity, and social issues in Performing Arts research. The program includes analyses, discussions and a detailed overview of the journal’s social impact, highlighting its importance and activities within the scope of Open Science. Read More →

Trans/Form/Ação officially adopts preprints as a submission method

Digital illustration of a round table with eight figures sitting around it with laptops, notebooks, papers and cell phones.

As part of its 50th anniversary celebrations, Trans/Form/Ação is now accepting preprints as a form of submission. This pilot model seeks to encourage scientific debate and the improvement of texts of philosophical interest. Doctors or doctoral students who have passed their qualifying exams can submit their manuscripts on a continuous basis. Available in Portuguese only. Read More →

Bibliometric study on the adoption of open science measures reveals high scores for both Brazilian and SciELO-indexed journals

Photograph of a black-painted wooden door with glass and a lever handle that is being turned to open the door. Next to the handle is a sign reading "Push".

Since 2019, SciELO has advocated for the adoption of open science practices which serve to increase transparency and scientific rigor of published science. A recent study provides a glimpse of the adoption of these measures among Ibero-American publications. Read More →

Educação em Revista: editorial challenges and scientific possibilities

Photomontage with covers of several editions of "Educação em Revista" on a blue background divided into two parts: the upper part in dark blue and the lower part in light blue. The journal's logo is positioned just above the covers.

The trajectory of Educação em Revista reflects its commitment to quality scientific publishing. This editorial addresses its transformations in scientific management, technological adaptation, internationalization, and adherence to Open Science, discussing the need to professionalize the editorial staff of Brazilian scientific journals to guarantee financial and scientific sustainability nationally and internationally. Read More →

The Open University of Brazil in the management of student permanence in Pedagogy courses

Photograph of a man wearing glasses and headphones smiling while looking at a laptop screen. He is sitting at a table with a book, notebooks and a pen. In the background, there are shelves with folders and potted plants.

The growth of distance education (Educação a Distância, EaD) in Brazil, coupled with the high dropout rates in this modality, brings with it the need to renew school management models, with the aim of keeping students until they graduate. Based on an analysis of the Pedagogy courses at the Open University of Brazil, researchers have developed alternative guidelines to guarantee student retention. Read More →

How do young people experience the democratization of access to higher education?

Map illustrating the Federal District, highlighting the areas where the young interviewees lived. These are 12 administrative regions of the capital, one of the most unequal cities in the country.

Educational expansion, marked by the tension between meritocracy and pragmatism in access to higher education, confronts the aspirations and realities of young people, especially those from working class backgrounds, amid the erosion of traditional notions of career and stability. While some seek any degree as a means of social mobility, others aim for specific careers, trying to adapt in the face of obstacles. Read More →

Pedagogical practices for student retention

Man with short brown hair, wearing rectangular-framed glasses, black suit, and tie, presenting a seminar in a conference room. In the background, a screen displays a slideshow with the text "Active Methodologies in the Classroom".

Professional education has been undergoing transformations, so schools are challenged to re-signify the way they maintain a link with society. Student dropout is one of the major problems faced, and pedagogical practices are aimed at getting students more involved with the institution. Read More →

Collective constructions: open peer review of an article on indigenous literature

Photograph of an indigenous man seen from behind, gazing at the horizon. He is wearing a feather headdress and various adornments on his body. He stands beside a small lake in an open field with diverse vegetation. The sky above is clear and blue.

Open peer review is critical to ensuring the integrity and quality of academic research, enabling greater transparency and collaboration. According to the researchers, the dialogical process between authors and reviewers and the resulting knowledge exchange guaranteed a significant improvement of the research. Read More →

Educação em Revista celebrates 39 years of publishing academic research: interview with the Editor

Self-portrait of Eucidio Pimenta Arruda. In the photo, he is wearing a brown jacket with the zipper closed up to near the neck, over a navy blue shirt, and prescription glasses with rectangular frames. His hair is black, short, and he is smiling. The blurred background shows some trees.

In an interview, the editor-in-chief of Educação em Revista shares information about the publication’s trajectory since it was founded in 1985, its efforts to remain free and open, and its adaptations to the latest national and international publishing trends. Read More →

Contributions of Educação em Revista for the advance of Open Science in Brazil

Illustration of various individuals providing feedback through different electronic devices, centered around a large smartphone screen displaying ratings and comments.

Since 2021, Educação em Revista has been committed to Open Science. Celebrating its 39th anniversary in 2024, the journal begins the Special Week on the SciELO in Perspective blog | Humanities, bringing discussions about its experience on adopting Open Peer Review and new perspectives towards a more transparent and collaborative science. Read More →

Open data in science education research: editorial in the journal Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências highlights perspectives and challenges

Open file cabinet drawer with folders organized and separated by visible tabs, showing an orderly arrangement of documents.

Editorial discusses the challenges and benefits of opening up data in educational research, accompanied by a guide to preparing datasets that encourages more transparent policies. The ethical, methodological and epistemological complexities of opening data require an open and ongoing dialog. Overcoming these challenges is essential to drive significant advances in science education research. Available in Portuguese only. Read More →

Structured questionnaires can make peer review more efficient

Photo of a black and white dartboard with two darts, one yellow and one red. The red dart is at number 6 and the yellow dart is at number 9, closer to the bullseye.

In order to make peer review more efficient, a study proposes adopting a standard form to be answered by reviewers, so that no important aspect of the manuscript’s evaluation goes unnoticed. Available in Portuguese only. Read More →

On preprints, journals, open access and research evaluation: the repercussions of the Gates Foundation’s decision

Photograph of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Visitor Center building in Seattle, Washington, United States.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently announced that it will no longer fund APCs for open access journals and is prioritizing the adoption of preprints. A series of recent posts discusses how the Gates Foundation’s announcement has resonated with the scientific community, prompting considerations about open access and its forms of funding, peer review and ultimately, how these changes influence the evaluation and integrity of research. Read More →