Tag: Editorial Professionalization

Educação em Revista: editorial challenges and scientific possibilities

Photomontage with covers of several editions of "Educação em Revista" on a blue background divided into two parts: the upper part in dark blue and the lower part in light blue. The journal's logo is positioned just above the covers.

The trajectory of Educação em Revista reflects its commitment to quality scientific publishing. This editorial addresses its transformations in scientific management, technological adaptation, internationalization, and adherence to Open Science, discussing the need to professionalize the editorial staff of Brazilian scientific journals to guarantee financial and scientific sustainability nationally and internationally. Read More →

SciELO MarketPlace – commercialization platform for scholarly communication products and services

SciELO 25 Years logo

Based on the experience of certifying companies and consultants providing support services for journal production for more than ten years, the SciELO Program launches in 2023 the SciELO MarketPlace as a web platform to manage the supply and demand of national and international scholarly communication products and services that meet the requirements of SciELO methodologies with the objectives of expanding and strengthening the research communication infrastructure and professionalism of journal production according to the state of the art at accessible costs. SciELO MartePlace is the outcome of a partnership with the company Bradoo specialized in customizing resource management via the Odoo system. Read More →

ANPOCS, its National Meetings, and Open Science

ANPOCS has been promoting debates with editors on the financial sustainability of social science journals as well as well as on transformations and innovations in the world of scientific publishing and in the public communication of science, particularly those related to Open Science. For the next Annual Meeting (Oct/22), the objective is to academically and politically strengthen scientific journals in the area and encourage practices that connect scientific production, debates in congresses, preprint repositories and servers, and journals. Read More →

DOAJ to lead a collaboration to improve the preservation of open access journals [Originally published in ISSN.org in November/2020]

DOAJ, CLOCKSS Archive, Internet Archive, Keepers Registry/ISSN International Centre and Public Knowledge Project (PKP) have agreed to partner to provide an alternative pathway for the preservation of small-scale, APC-free, Open Access journals. Read More →

How to reduce the processing time of submitted articles: the experience of Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais

While the position of a scientific journal editor is interesting and rewarding, since it puts us in touch with the pulse of academic output, it also poses many challenges. It is necessary to give the journal a face, to guarantee the publication quality, to find reviewers willing to work anonymously and for free and to ensure the journal’s financial sustainability. This post deals with just one of the challenges: ensuring a quick response to the authors about the submitted manuscripts. Read More →

Interview and Tribute to Charles Pessanha [Originally published in DADOS’ blog in January/2020]

Charles Pessanha is not only a key name in the history of DADOS, a journal he edited for more than three decades and still helps editing, but also from every one of the Brazilian scientific publishing body. In 2019, our former Editor-in-Chief and active Editor Emeritus was doubly honored, first with the “Prêmio da ANPOCS de Excelência Acadêmica em Ciência Política” and, second, with an interview for the organizing team in charge of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the graduate program of IESP-UERJ, where Charles has worked and obtained his master’s degree. Next, there is a video of the interview in which he talks about his personal history, his life as a journal editor, the inception of SciELO and the current challenges of Brazil’s Social Sciences. Read More →

Brazilian Journal of Nephrology: trajectory and internationalization

With 40 years of uninterrupted publication, Brazilian Journal of Nephrology traces the path towards its internationalization, based on professionalization and without constant improvement of its editorial processes and scientific quality. It is now in a new phase, where reaching its greatest indexing potential and strengthening its presence in Latin America represent its main challenges. Read More →

How to write an academic review? [Originally published in DADOS’ blog in July/2019]

The purpose of this post is to outline what a reviewer should consider before writing an assessment. In it, we discuss issues such as the importance of writing reviews, the types of possible reviews, what to do when detecting a conflict of interest, etc. Read More →

Journal Indexing: Core standards and why they matter [Originally published in LSE Impact of Social Sciences blog in August/2019]

The ways in which journals are indexed online is essential to how they can be searched for and found. Inclusion in certain indexes is also closely linked to quality assessment, with research funders often requiring their grantees to publish in outlets listed in certain indexes. In this post Danielle Padula explains the importance of good journal indexing and how journals that apply key standards can increase the reach and impact of their publications. Read More →

The role of non-Brazilian contribution in the publishing performance of psychology journals in Brazil

An examination of publishing performance among psychology journals in Brazil finds higher publishing performance associated with non-Brazilian contribution, in terms of: authors and editorial board members from English-speaking countries; as well as collaboration with authors from English-speaking countries. Implications are discussed for editors and publishers, as well as arbiters of public policy. Read More →

ORCID and publishers: connecting researchers with research

ORCID enables researchers to be uniquely identified and connected to their contributions, and to share information on a global scale. Read this blog to learn how the publishing community is implementing ORCID to engage with authors and reviewers and how to join the conversation! Read More →

Challenges in peer review of scientific articles on Administration in Brazil

Sharing their experiences as authors, reviewers and editors of scientific journals, Sandro Cabral and Marcelo de Souza Bispo reflect on the challenges of the article evaluation process, criticize the current system that favors productivism, overloading the reviewers, and draws attention on the need to train good reviewers in PhD courses in Brazil. Read More →

Introduction to JATS (Journal Article Tag Suite)

Deborah A. Lapeyre, one of the developers of JATS and a member of the JATS secretariat, introduces us to the ANSI/NISO standard for the XML interchange of journal articles.
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Series of interviews with the President and ex-presidents of the ABEC: Interview with Rui Seabra Ferreira Jr.

The Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos (ABEC) and SciELO have key roles in promoting policies aimed at the advancement of Brazilian science regarding production, dissemination and internationalization, as well as always bringing to discussion topics such as ethics and best practices, aiming to foster the entire Brazilian publishing ecosystem, i.e., from the researcher/author through service providers, until its publication. Read More →

The basics of sponsorship at Crossref

There are many journals that want to register content and benefit from the services provided by Crossref, but may not be able to do so alone. These organizations use sponsors. Sponsors are organizations who publish on behalf of groups of smaller organizations. Nearly 650 of the 800 Brazil members of Crossref are represented by such a sponsor. Read More →