Author: Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciências

Comments on convenience authorship [Originally published as the editorial in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências vol. 93 no. 3]

One of the consequences of this pandemic is the increase of submission of scientific articles that has raised concerns about their quality. Along with this come authorship issues, such as convenience authorship, which should also appear on the editors’ radar because of the potential deleterious consequences that could affect the new generation of scientists. Read More →

Grim perspectives for Brazilian periodicals [Originally published as the editorial in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências vol. 93 no. 1]

Covid-19 had devastating effects that go beyond economics and also affected the periodicals published in Brazil. An editorial of the Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências has called attention that no journal published in the country will receive any support from the funding agencies in 2021 and calls for relevant stakeholders to discuss solutions to avoid the collapse of the publication system that is approaching if no measures are taken. Read More →

JCR, Kafka, and MAI!

For the second time, the Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências was surprised to find out that about one quarter of the papers of an issue were gone missing from the Jornal Citation Reports platform, a problem that should come to the attention of the publishing and evaluation industry. Some objective ways to appraise the performance of specific volumes or areas of a journal are presented. Read More →

Living in pandemic times [Originally published in An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc., vol. 92 no. 1]

As this editorial note is being written, the official death toll claimed by COVID-19 in Brazil is close to 12.000. The number of infected people is skyrocketing and not many researchers doubt that the current acknowledged 170.000+ will soon break the 1 million mark. Perhaps we are already much closer to this figure than one would like due to the general sense that the official numbers are substantial underestimates. Available in English. Image: Brian McGowan. Read More →

The world haunted by Covid-19 [Originally published in An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc., vol. 92 no. 1]

In this time of confinement due to COVID-19 pandemic some reflections have been made e it has never been as clear as people can benefit from science. From the simple gesture of washing your hands like many others used during the quarantine, they have been identified by previous studies. In this way, we reinforce the need to maintain investments in the science. Available in English. Image: United Nations COVID-19 Response. Read More →