The world haunted by Covid-19 [Originally published in An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc., vol. 92 no. 1]

In this time of confinement due to COVID-19 pandemic some reflections have been made e it has never been as clear as people can benefit from science. From the simple gesture of washing your hands like many others used during the quarantine, they have been identified by previous studies. In this way, we reinforce the need to maintain investments in the science. Available in English. Image: United Nations COVID-19 Response. Read More →

Research during the time of the pandemic [Originally published in Rev. adm. empres., vol. 60 no. 2]

Although this is a distressing situation, we have many questions and no answers about how the situation will evolve. However, scientific research is being strengthened, which encourages all of us—professors and researchers. The post-pandemic world will be rebuilt, and several initiatives are being taken in this direction: Scientific journals in several fields have already published calls for papers that address this new scenario. National and international research centers are partnering to develop joint projects. Funding agencies are providing financial resources for projects. Image:
Vincent Ghilione
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Psycho-emotional care in a neonatal unit during the COVID-19 pandemic [To be published in Rev. paul. pediatr.]

With the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the current context requires distancing and reduced movement of people. Namely, it demands the reformulation of procedures and practices, leading to the need for new strategies to ensure care. Published documents suspended the visits from grandparents, siblings, and other individuals who comprised the support network, guaranteeing the exclusive access to the asymptomatic mother and/or father, after daily and safe checks at the entry to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Available in English. Read More →

Neurological complications in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection: a systematic review [To be published in Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr.]

Recognition of neurological manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 should be emphasized despite the obvious challenges faced by clinicians caring for critical patients who are often sedated and presenting other concurrent systemic complications. Available in English. Read More →

COVID-19 – Laboratory Diagnosis for Clinicians

Coronaviruses can activate an excessive and unregulated immune response, which can promote SRAG development. Although the lung is one of the target organs, the hypoxia mechanism is systemic and other organs suffer both the lack of oxygen and the disruption of inflammation control mechanisms. Available in English. Read More →

Efectos del aislamiento social y la cuarentena sobre el bienestar subjetivo de los chilenos durante el brote de COVID-19

Los principales resultados mostraron que el grupo sometido a aislamiento social presentó un menor promedio de puntación bruta en la expresión de afecto positivo y mayor en afecto negativo, siendo ambos significativos. Además, al calcular la magnitud del efecto (d de Cohen) se obtuvieron resultados dispares para las escalas. Disponible en español. Read More →

Interseccionalidade e outros olhares sobre a violência contra mulheres em tempos de pandemia pela COVID-19

Este ensaio tem como objetivo problematizar as opressões e violências domésticas durante o isolamento social em tempos de pandemia. Partindo das contribuições do Institucionalismo e dos estudos interseccionais toma-se a pandemia como acontecimento e dispositivo analítico, fazendo uma análise que entrecruza a categoria gênero com as demais condições que atravessam as mulheres. Busca-se evidenciar que o aumento da violência contra a mulher durante a pandemia pode ser entendido como tensionamento entre a resistência ao racismo, ao sexismo e as desigualdades construídas pelo capitalismo. Disponível em português. Read More →

SciELO updates the indexing criteria. New version takes effect from May 2020

The new criteria for indexing journals in the SciELO Brazil Collection are centered on best editorial practices and are effective as of May 2020. The criteria reflect the objectives, principles and functions of the SciELO Program and implement the priority lines of action of professionalization, internationalization and sustainability aligned with the open science modus operandi. Adjustment of editorial policy and management is the main action that journals must take to comply with the new criteria. Read More →

Sobre la escasa transparencia en los documentos técnicos para el tratamiento de pacientes con COVID-19 en Perú

En el presente artículo presentamos controversias sobre el tocilizumab, corticoides y enoxaparina establecido por el MINSA, así como recomendaciones sobre el proceso de toma de decisiones. Disponible en español. Read More →

Pandemia exacerba desigualdades na Saúde [a ser publicado na Ciênc. saúde coletiva]

Vivemos uma pandemia global sem precedente em nossa geração. Atravessamos uma tempestade sanitária, guiados por diretrizes ainda experimentais – extraídas de um conhecimento científico rudimentar, em construção – ao tempo em que tentamos conter a pulsão de morte dos que boicotam o isolamento social, com a propagação de notícias falsas que encorajam a população a ignorar recomendações sanitárias, e relutam em garantir os investimentos indispensáveis para fazer frente à pandemia. São tempos difíceis para os trabalhadores da Saúde. Disponível em português. Imagem: United Nations COVID-19 Response. Read More →

Uso do excesso de mortalidade associado à epidemia de COVID-19 como estratégia de vigilância epidemiológica – resultados preliminares da avaliação de seis capitais brasileiras

Considerando a simplicidade do método, seu baixo custo e confiabilidade para avaliação da carga real da doença, acreditamos que a avaliação do excesso de mortalidade associado à pandemia de COVID-19 deveria ser amplamente utilizada como ferramenta complementar à vigilância epidemiológica regular e ter seu uso incentivado pela OMS. Disponível em português. Read More →

COVID-19 in felines, their role in human health and possible implications for their guardians and health surveillance [Originally published in Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde, vol. 29 no. 2]

The literature is still scarce, but indicates that some animals species, especially felines, can occasionally by infected by SARS-CoV-2, although man–cat transmission appears to be an event unlikely to occur in natural conditions. The reports refer to isolated cases and statistically inform us that thus far there are no signs that pet animals, especially dogs and cats, are a source of infection for human beings. Image: PUFJ. Read More →

La situación de la enfermería en el mundo y la Región de las Américas en tiempos de la pandemia de COVID-19 [Originalmente publicado en Rev Panam Salud Publica, vol 44]

El informe Situación de la enfermería en el mundo 2020: invertir en educación, empleo y liderazgo, lanzado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) el 7 de abril de 2020 proporciona una visión y una agenda prospectivas para las políticas relacionadas con esta profesión, al tiempo que el mundo celebra en 2020 el Año Internacional de los Profesionales de Enfermería y Partería y enfrenta la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Disponible en español. Imagen: Luke Jones. Read More →

The trauma and acute care surgeon in the COVID-19 pandemic era [Originally published in Rev. Col. Bras. Cir., vol. 47]

Immediate measures must be taken to guarantee access to safety equipment throughout the country, since all trauma victims and/or patients with emergency surgical conditions must be treated as potential carriers of COVID-19. Image: Paul Felberbauer. Read More →

Physical Exercise in Patients with Heart Disease and in the General Population in Times of Coronavirus [Originally published in Arq. Bras. Cardiol.]

What is most important is to emphasize that physical inactivity in a treacherous enemy. Its effects typically do not manifest in an acute manner as is the case with SARS-COV-2, whose effects need to be combated with emergency health measures based on the best scientific evidence. Image: Josh Calabrese. Read More →