A company doctor’s role during the COVID-19 pandemic [Originally published in Clinics, vol. 75]

Doctors working in companies must use their technical knowledge to ensure the best actions to protect the health of the workers. Concurrently, they must be aware of the work environment and the production process to suggest the best adaptations. In the current pandemic situation, the role of a doctor in a company has been strategic in ensuring the best health conditions at the workplace. Available in English. Image: Marcelo Leal. Read More →

Spotlight for healthy adolescents and adolescents with preexisting chronic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic [Originally published in Clinics, vol. 75]

In conclusion, spotlight and recommendations for healthy adolescents and adolescents with preexisting chronic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic should be reinforced for all subjects, particularly for those under quarantine/lockdown. Further studies will be necessary to clarify and to assess specific adolescent populations during this emerging infectious disease pandemic. Available in English. Image: Kate Trifo. Read More →

Social Distancing and Coordination

The social distance critical to alleviate the spread of COVID-19 is quite insufficient. In order to contribute to the literature, “(1) When a rare virus such as COVID-19 appears, when the total level of social distance has natural inertia; (2) Open national public statements are essential to reduce this inertia and adjust the public’s behavior to a new, optimal social distance level. (3) When individuals are not adequately informed about optimal social distance levels over time, national communication is more effective than local communication. Available in English. Read More →

Older adults living under social distancing: possibilities for tackling COVID-19 [Originally published in Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol., vol.23 no.2]

Data from the latest bulletin from the Ministry of Health, dated April 4, 2020, revealed 10,278 cases and 431 deaths, with more than 80% of fatalities caused by the new coronavirus involving older people, and almost the same number having at least one risk factor constantly related to COVID-19, with an emphasis on heart disease and diabetes. This suggests that more comprehensive measures are needed to protect this population. Image: Big Dodzy. Read More →

Health professionals fight against COVID-19 [Originally published in Acta paul. enferm. vol.33]

Health professional are at a higher risk for the infection. In Brazil, as well as in other countries, thousands of health professionals have to leave their positions due to COVID-19 infection and many have died. Data of health professionals team providing frontline care for COVID-19 show physical and mental exhaustion, difficult in triage decision, anxiety for the pain of losing a patient and a colleague, all in addition to the infection risk and possibility of passing the infection to their family. Image: Ashkan Forouzani. Read More →

Monitoring the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in Brazil at municipal and federative units level

We present a dataset containing the reported number of COVID-19 cases and deaths at municipal and federative units level in Brazil. Data is aggregated daily from official sources with the most updated numbers, providing a reliable, free and simple resource for researchers, health authorities and general public. Interactive pages in English and Portuguese are available, containing maps, graphs and tables with all the data. Data about recovered, suspected and tests made are also available for most federative units. Available in English. Read More →

Infodemia, la otra pandemia durante COVID-19

Infodemia es la epidemia de información asociada con miedo, especulación y rumores, amplificada y transmitida rápidamente por las modernas tecnologías de la información y que afecta negativamente a la sociedad. Su asociación con la pandemia de la enfermedad por el Coronavirus 2019 no es exclusiva, porque ya había sido descrita con la pandemia del Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Grave por el coronavirus-1 en el año 2003. Disponible en español. Read More →

Modelo SIR com taxa de exposição para estudo da projeção de casos de COVID-19 no estado de Sergipe

Utilizamos neste trabalho dois modelos para o estudo do comportamento da curva epidêmica da COVID-19 no estado de Sergipe entre os dias 14 de março de 2020 e 02 de maio de 2020: modelo SIR convencional e uma variante deste, que incorpora o número de indivíduos mais expostos ao contágio do que o restante da população. Disponível em português. Read More →

Maternidade e Sofrimento Social em Tempos de COVID-19: Estudo de Mommy Blogs

Circulam socialmente, em nosso país, imaginários coletivos, segundo os quais a mãe biológica seria a melhor cuidadora dos filhos. Tais crenças têm gerado problemas na medida em que um grande número de mães, que vive conjugalmente ou como único adulto da casa, encontra-se, atualmente, inserida no mundo laboral. Suas dificuldades cotidianas, geradoras de sofrimentos emocionais socialmente determinados, apresentam-se amplificadas, em função de medidas de isolamento com vistas ao enfrentamento da epidemia por COVID-19. Disponível em português. Read More →

Telehealth interventions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: Protocol for a scoping review

The current health crisis due to COVID-19 is forcing us to profoundly rethink our social organizations and practices in health. While there is no effective treatment for the virus, staying home and social isolation are the control measures recommended by health authorities. The aim of this study is to perform a scoping review in order to summarize the current evidence in telehealth for COVID-19. Available in English. Read More →

Limitar la exposición de las personas más vulnerables como estrategia para minimizar los fallecimientos por COVID-19

Cercanos al levantamiento de las medidas de confinamiento que se tomaron para reducir la velocidad de contagio y evitar la saturación del sistema sanitario provocado por la pandemia de COVID-19, sugiere hacer planteamientos de cómo afrontarlo, aplicado en este caso concreto a España. Disponible en español. Read More →

Prognostic factors for clinical course of patients with COVID-19: protocol for a rapid living systematic review

Determining prognostic factors in a context of health crises such as the COVID-19 scenario may provide the best possible care for patients and optimize the management and the resource utilization of the health system. Thus, we aim to systematically review the prognostic factors for different outcomes of patients with COVID-19. Available in English. Read More →

Pharmacological interventions for COVID-19: Protocol for a Rapid Living Systematic Review with network meta-analysis

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has emerged in China in December 2019 and rapidly spread. Although extraordinary efforts have been made on research regarding pharmacological interventions, none have proven effective. This is the protocol for a rapid living systematic review that aims to compare the effectiveness and safety of different pharmacological interventions for the treatment of COVID-19. Available in English. Read More →

COVID-19 and patients undergoing pharmacological treatments for immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: protocol for a rapid living systematic review

We propose to systematically review the available evidence to evaluate if patients with immune mediated or inflammatory diseases under pharmacological treatment with immunosuppressants, immunobiologics, DMARDs or targeted synthetic DMARDs have better or worse outcomes when infected by SARS-CoV-2. This study is a protocol for our rapid living systematic review. Available in English. Read More →

Occupational Therapy in times of pandemic: Social security and guaranties of possible everyday life for all [to be published in Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup.]

The occupational therapy profession has been participating in this process through several initiatives, with the aim of caring for people daily life. We all share, in different ways of life, the necessity for social distancing, which has been imposed as a strategy in order to avoid the spread of the disease. Things are further complicated by the difficulties of the systems of sanitary vigilance and other epidemiologic considerations in the many affected countries. Read More →