Tag: Open Access

Open access articles are here to stay: in less than 10 years nearly 50% of articles worldwide can be accessed this way

Publication sponsored by the European Commission, which highlights the role of SciELO in Brazil and the southern hemisphere, estimates that 50% of scholarly articles in the world are available in open access. Researchers like Stevan Harnad calculate this rate by 32%. Methodological differences explain the discrepancy, but the results achieved in a decade show no reversal on this trend. Read More →

Interview with Indrajit Banerjee, Director of the UNESCO Information Society Division

To achieve the goal of open and inclusive knowledge societies, different approaches and strategies were adopted by UNESCO. In this interview, Indrajit Banerjee highlights that SciELO’s decentralized cooperative platform provides the context for a country to take charge of the process of Open Access publishing. Read More →

Interview with Hooman Momen, Editor of the Bulletin of the World Health Organization

The editor of the WHO Bulletin talks about the various trends permeating international Open Access scholarly communication, the Finch report (UK), megajournals, multilingualism, and the transformative impact of technologies that always bring out conditions that favor or challenge the development of journals of developing countries or emerging economies, in particular those of SciELO. Read More →

Paper proposes four pillars for scholarly communication to favor the speed and the quality of science

The authors identify four converging cornerstones for advancing the process of communicating academic research: enhancing products and formats of scholarly communication; immediate publication in Open Access; open peer review; and broad public recognition of the process of communication, of the corresponding products and of the academics involved. Read More →

Celebrating the enhancement of the quality, visibility and accessibility of South African scholarly journals

The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) held a series of events in July at the launch of the Certified SciELO South Africa collection on national programs that support the development of journals. Susan Veldsman, Director of the Scholarly Publishing Unit of SciELO South Africa discusses these events. Read More →

Open Access and a call to prevent the looming crisis in science

The number of retracted articles has recently been on the rise. Björn Brembs identifies this tendency as a reflection of an imminent crisis in science whose origin is found in the reward and marketing system of researchers which pressures them to publish in high impact journals. The adoption of open access platforms is a way to prevent this crisis. Read More →

Interview with Abel Packer

SciELO developed as an integral part of the research infrastructure of the countries where it operates, focusing on the goal of contributing to the improvement of the journals it indexes and publishes in open access. Abel Packer, Coordinator of the SciELO Program, talks of the reasons for the success of the program, the expectations of the SciELO 15 Years Conference and the future sustainability of the program. Read More →

Interview with Rogerio Meneghini

According to Rogério Meneghini, the SciELO Scientific Coordinator, SciELO’s objective of increasing the international impact of Brazilian journals is not incompatible with the publication of leading edge research in high impact journals. But in order for SciELO journals to meet international standards, SciELO will have to become a publisher itself so that it can have some influence on the development of the journal evaluation process. Read More →

Apart of SciELO, FAPESP promotes new initiatives in open access

The Scientific Director of the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Carlos Henrique Brito Cruz, highlights the advances of the SciELO Program and announces the creation of institutional repositories at the University of the State of São Paulo to hold open access articles from research funded by FAPESP. He also announces a call for proposals in coordination with other Brazilian funding agencies to professionalize selected national journals. Read More →