A milestone for open access – the Directory of Open Access Books now includes over 50,000 open access books published in 90 languages by 560 academic book publishers. The directory, representing scholarship from authors and publishers around the globe, is openly available to the scholarly community and the general public at large. … Read More →
New international recommendations for open access publishing – #BOAI20
On the 20th anniversary of the BOAI, when the concept of “open access” was coined, the Open Access Initiative announces new international recommendations that aim to dismantle inequalities and achieve greater equity and inclusiveness in creating, contributing to, accessing, and benefiting from knowledge. … Read More →
SciELO preprints discoverable in Europe PMC [Originally published in the Europe PMC blog in March/2022]
SciELO preprints are now indexed and discoverable in Europe PMC. Over 1,000 SciELO preprints can be browsed in Europe PMC in their original language (Portuguese, Spanish, or English). An important outcome of this collaboration is the push for changes to scholarly infrastructure to better handle multilingual content. … Read More →
Open Code Community: an open platform for research code sharing
The sharing of research codes is a common practice among members of the scientific community. However, such sharing is usually restricted to members of the academy itself. Here comes the Open Code Community project, which seeks to integrate academic and market participants in the sharing of research codes. … Read More →
ANPOCS, its National Meetings, and Open Science
ANPOCS has been promoting debates with editors on the financial sustainability of social science journals as well as well as on transformations and innovations in the world of scientific publishing and in the public communication of science, particularly those related to Open Science. For the next Annual Meeting (Oct/22), the objective is to academically and politically strengthen scientific journals in the area and encourage practices that connect scientific production, debates in congresses, preprint repositories and servers, and journals. … Read More →
PKP and SciELO Announce Renewed Partnership [Originally published in the PKP blog in December/2021]
PKP is honoured to announce that SciELO has become PKP’s most recent Development Partner. Both organizations share a common vision of a collaboration dedicated to extending the Latin American ability to publish in Spanish and Portuguese, as well as English. This is a critical aspect for both SciELO and PKP in their efforts to promote a global knowledge exchange. … Read More →
Implementing your ORCID Plugin for OJS/OPS? Help is Here.
ORCID and the Public Knowledge Project announce a new set of documentation resources for the ORCID Plugin for OJS. … Read More →
Presence in Mega Indexes Project proposes to create more visibility to the journals in the SciELO Brazil Collection
Seeking out to increase international presence, facilitate access to information, and improve the generation of quality indicators of the SciELO journals, a project with the support of the Scopus Brazil team to maximize the indexing of the SciELO’s journals starting with the Brazil collection is currently in progress. The process that embraces about 75 journals started with a pre-analysis followed by a webinar, the sending of collected data to Scopus and update of the journal’s informative pages in the SciELO site. Text available only in Portuguese. … Read More →
Sex and gender equity in research and publication
On June 8, 2021, ABEC Brasil promoted, with the support of the SciELO Program, the webinar “Sex and gender equity in research and publication”. Taught by Dr. Shirin Heidari, founder of the European Association of Scientific Editors (EASE) Gender Policy Committee, lead author of the SAGER (Sex and Gender Equity in Research) guidelines and founding President of GENDRO, the webinar discussed, among other issues, why sex and gender matter in research and reporting, and what editors, reviewers and authors can do to improve gender-sensitive reporting. … Read More →
Accelerating Plan S: open access agreements with smaller publishers
Open Access (OA) agreements between consortia, libraries and smaller independent publishers are increasingly being used around the world, reflected by the growing number of published OA articles. A recent report from the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), of which SciELO is a member, shows the progress being made in other regions of the world. On the other hand, Latin America, a pioneer in OA journals, does not suffer from these limitations, but for small publishers in many countries there is still a long way to go. … Read More →
Profile of Bolsonaro voters reveals Brazilian variant of far-right populism disease
In contrast to a worldwide trend, in 2018 Brazilian elections the largest share of voters for the far right was registered among better-off citizens, not those left behind by economic modernization. This study also shows that, at odds with the conventional perspective expectations, the better educate did not reject authoritarian values or championed for diversity at the ballot boxes. … Read More →
Early Reports and the new policy of the Web of Science Journal Impact Factor
Recently, Journal Citation Reports (JCR) incorporated early reports documents into indexing, therefore, the impact factors are being modified. This new methodology will have an effect of reordering journal rankings, with important implications in their academic evaluation. Questions and criticisms have arisen. … Read More →
It takes a global village or a recap of NISO Plus 2021
The second NISO Plus Conference was held virtually on February 22-25. This year’s theme was “Global conversations – global connections” with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), accessibility, and the changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic being transversal topics throughout the conference. This post recaps (mainly) the discussions around these topics and how they relate to our community’s current challenges. … Read More →
Integration of national academic databases in Europe
The need for a comprehensive infrastructure for scholarly publications has been on the European Union’s agenda for a long time. In particular, the European Commission’s open science policy highlights the need for a good database for monitoring Open Access publications in Europe. However, many publications are still missing to rely on a comprehensive information infrastructure on open research. Over the past 10 years, European countries have invested significantly in national infrastructures, and now, at least 20 European countries have a national database for open publication research metadata. However, they are not yet integrated or widely used for cross-country comparisons. … Read More →
Publishers and FAIR data
In this post a proposal is introduced for academic publishing outfits to encourage and enable authors to make their articles — and where possible the underlying datasets — semantically unambiguous so that they can be communicated as FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). The proposal is described in-depth in a published open access article, to which a link is provided in the post. … Read More →
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