Tag: Scholarly Communication

SciELO Books 10 Years: Interview with OAPEN Foundation director and DOAB Foundation co-director, Niels Stern

As part of the ten years celebration event, intended as a forum to recognize the advances and challenges, and to debate on the future of digital books in the light of open access and open science, we’ve interviewed speakers and officials from institutions directly linked to the development of SciELO. We continue this series of interviews with Niels Stern, director of the OAPEN Foundation and co-director of the DOAB Foundation. Read More →

SciELO Books 10 Years: Interview with the Directors of the Founding Publishers

As part of the ten years celebratory event, intended as a forum to recognize the advances and challenges, and to debate on the future of digital books in the light of open access and open science, we’ve interviewed speakers and officials from institutions directly linked to the development of SciELO. We started the series with the directors of Fiocruz, UFBA and Fundação Editora Unesp Publishers. Read More →

Society has a strong demand for open access science

Analysis of more than 1.6 million comments left on downloads by the US National Academies shows that half are for academic use and the other half reveal adults across the country who seek highest quality information to improve the way they work, satisfy their curiosity, and learn. Knowing the importance of such information, policymakers should be encouraged to protect it. Read More →

Measuring and comparing Brazilian and Latin-American universities in terms of academic and industry related knowledge production

The use of the multidimensional academic ranking U-Multirank to compare academic and industry-related knowledge production of Brazilian Universities with other Latin American countries, shows that, while Brazil leads in number of academic publications, Chile is ahead in both citation numbers and patents awarded, with Brazil lagging behind in these Indicators’ world averages. Read More →

Open Code Community: an open platform for research code sharing

The sharing of research codes is a common practice among members of the scientific community. However, such sharing is usually restricted to members of the academy itself. Here comes the Open Code Community project, which seeks to integrate academic and market participants in the sharing of research codes. Read More →

Open Science: Sharing and transparency in research popularization

Although the concept of “open science” has been circulating a lot in the academic area, it has not always been well understood or accepted. Would it be open access to scientific articles? A democratic science, for all? On adhering to the procedures of open science, Bakhtiniana opens up new dialog possibilities between science and society. Read More →

How altmetrics are used to evaluate scientific output in Latin America

Altmetrics are a group of alternative metrics that capture mentions made to scientific papers on social networks, news sites and blogs; policies and patents; Wikipedia, and other sources to assess the impact of publications on the social web. A study using journals and articles from the SciELO network in Latin America was carried out to qualify the web presence of Latin American research results and explore the potential of altmetrics. Read More →

How the rhetoric of excellence influences research evaluation

Lineart Flat e-learning website hero image vector illustration. Online education knowledge concept. Laptop, profile of school studding graduation certificate, first place medal on screen.

Academic institutions advertise their teaching and research programs associated with prominent positions in university rankings, or names that are synonymous with success, prestige, and reputation. This post reviews an article that shows how the “rhetoric of excellence” is used in the academic world and favors the lack of reproducibility, fraud and the ineffective distribution of research grants and proposes strategies to overcome it. Read More →

OJS Community Priorities Survey Report [Originally published in the PKP site]

The PKP Technical Committee completed its first community survey, with a focus on trying to better understand what specific features journal managers and editors of OJS would find most useful for their work. We distributed this survey broadly, and were delighted by the enthusiastic response, resulting in more than 524 completed surveys. Read More →

ANPOCS, its National Meetings, and Open Science

ANPOCS has been promoting debates with editors on the financial sustainability of social science journals as well as well as on transformations and innovations in the world of scientific publishing and in the public communication of science, particularly those related to Open Science. For the next Annual Meeting (Oct/22), the objective is to academically and politically strengthen scientific journals in the area and encourage practices that connect scientific production, debates in congresses, preprint repositories and servers, and journals. Read More →

PKP and SciELO Announce Renewed Partnership [Originally published in the PKP blog in December/2021]

PKP is honoured to announce that SciELO has become PKP’s most recent Development Partner. Both organizations share a common vision of a collaboration dedicated to extending the Latin American ability to publish in Spanish and Portuguese, as well as English. This is a critical aspect for both SciELO and PKP in their efforts to promote a global knowledge exchange. Read More →

The latest blows from predatory (or pirate) journals

Albertus Seba, Locupletissimi rerum naturalium via the Wellcome Collection

Piracy and, specifically, scams by predatory publishers are growing around the world, becoming a growing concern in academic publishing, drawing the attention of the most serious publishers. This problem is not so serious in Latin American scientific publications. Post available only in Spanish. Read More →

The Impossibility of Open Science without Otherness and Epistemic Plurality [Originally published as the editorial in Revista de Administração Contemporânea vol. 26 no. 2]

[The] objective in this text is to present a counterpoint to the positivist bias that has dominated the debate on open science and eventually highlight some problems and provide a more plural and inclusive perspective on the subject. Read More →

Guest Post — Building an Easier Path Toward Open Access Book Publishing: Support for Authors [Originally published in the Scholarly Kitchen in March/2021]

Christina Emery presents an updated overview of the open access books landscape and examines the challenges of open access book publishing according to feedback from authors and researchers, plus what support is available to them. Read More →

How much does it cost to publish an article? Academic publishing services and their market values

How much does it cost to publish an open access article? This post reports a study published in F1000Research, in which the authors collected detailed data on each stage of scientific publishing, from acquisition, preparation, up to dissemination of content, considering six scenarios with different editorial service providers. The average cost varies between US$460 and US$520, depending on the number of articles published per year. Read More →