Tag: Open Science

Books’ relevance in scholarly communication – The case of SciELO Books

Manuscripts were the first repositories of scholarly communication. Over the centuries and new technologies, science has been communicated by books, by personal correspondence between researchers, journals and paper books, until we came to electronic technologies and the Internet. Throughout the 20th century, journals became predominant as a means of communicating research results, with rapid adaptation to the features offered by technological changes. At the SciELO Network Meeting of the SciELO 20 Years Week, a working group will analyze and discuss the relevance of books in scholarly communication, focusing on the progress of academic publishers and, more specifically, the SciELO Books Program. Read More →

SciELO 20 Years and the future of journals: opine, comment, question

SciELO is promoting journals’ alignment with the best practices of open science and the proactive participation of all actors of the SciELO Network, especially journal editors and leaders through a process of knowledge accumulation that allows for the conciliation of national research and journals’ conditions and priorities with the international state of the art. Join the analyses and debates on the relevance of SciELO journals and their future at the SciELO 20 Years Week, on September 24th to 28th. Read More →

Geo for All – Open Principles in GeoEducation and Science

Central to Geo for All mission is the belief that knowledge is a public good and Open Principles in Education will provide great opportunities for everyone. The key ingredients that make Open Geospatial Science possible are enshrined in Open Principles, i.e: Open Source geospatial software, Open data, Open standards, Open educational resources, and Open access to research publications. Read More →

Scientific Data Management – from collection to preservation

Proper management of data used in scientific research has become a mandatory part of good research practices. The Open Science era has revolutionized scientific methodology, motivating the emergence of new lines of research in all areas of knowledge. This post describes some challenges of this management from the computational point of view. Read More →

Fiocruz facing the challenge of Open Science for Development and Public Health

The large mobilization of the countries around Open Science is expressed by the development of infrastructures, Data Management Plans, training, and evaluation and reward metrics. As a new paradigm, Open Science must focus on the interests and benefits to society, as well as advances in knowledge. In the health area, opening research data can promote a more agile science focused on solving problems, formulating evidence-based public policies, and citizen participation as knowledge producer. Read More →

Open peer review perspectives: a thought-provoking question mark

Research analyzes the feasibility of adopting Open Peer Review by Information Science journals. This post presents the first step already completed focusing on the editors. The second stage, already underway, is focused on referees in order to reach a comprehensive view on the adoption of Open Peer Review by Information Science journals. Read More →