Tag: Ebooks

eBooks – global market and trends – Part I: Print and digital publication in the global context

In recent years, a global industry of electronic books (ebooks) has emerged, with great force in the English language market and remarkable strength in the United States. There are indicators showing a race between traditional publishing industries and also global players such as Amazon and non-traditional ones, such as authors publishing individually and independently. A recent report published last April, divided into four major sections, presents detailed statistics on the production and market of ebooks from large and medium companies throughout the world, which are the debates and key factors that are shaping the legal and pirate markets, and it also includes a “yellow pages” section, with more than 350 companies dedicated to various services and components in the electronic book chain edition. Read More →

SciELO in the major discovery services

All SciELO journal articles and eBooks are now covered by the major international Discovery Services which serve to locate and provide access to scientific information, and offer academic libraries the required tools for their academic, research and student communities. The Discovery Services have a specific focus on materials identified as relevant to the academic, research, educational, and learning communities. This advancement will contribute to enhancing the visibility and interoperability of SciELO indexed content. Read More →

Researchers reading habits for scientific literature

These days, researchers are finding themselves exposed to an avalanche of scientific information which is making it a constant challenge to select what is actually relevant and follow recent developments in a particular field. Studies show that for the first time in 35 years, researchers may have reached a plateau in their capacity to read articles and other sources of scientific information. The concept of reading may even be redefined over the course of time. Read More →