Interview with Cicilia K. Peruzzo

With 50 years since the creation of the academic discipline of Communication Science in Brazil, what assessment can be made today of the successes and challenges of the field? Currently there are 64 graduate course in the country, while there were 6 in the 80‘s.The journal Intercom, the first academic journal in Communication in Brazil to be made available in open access, is an exciting editorial project that corresponds to an important part of this process of the development of the field. Read More →

Interview with Susana I. Córdoba de Torresi

Susana I. Cordoba de Torresi, from the Brazilian Chemical Society discusses the mission, achievements and challenges of the Society’s journals, from having them ranked in the national Qualis system, to how SciELO has improved their visibility. Read More →

Ask the Speaker

The Program of the SciELO 15 Years Conference focuses on the analysis and the dialogue concerning the state of the art in the field of scholarly publication, and conference delegates are invited to add value to this event by sending questions and comments to the conference speakers using the form which is available on the conference website. Take part! Send your questions, doubts, concerns and opinions! Read More →

Pinacoteca of São Paulo: some art history of Brazil and of Jardim da Luz

To the participants of SciELO 15 years Conference, we recommend a visit to Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo inaugurated in 1905. The building designed by Ramos de Azevedo houses 5000 works including paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, and photographs. The collections will certainly please the visitor, providing a significant sample of Brazilian art of the nineteenth century. Read More →

Interview with Euan Adie, CEO of

Altmetrics is something that cannot be ignored. Based on the online monitoring of social networks in order to track the impact of academic publications, this new field is experiencing a rapid surge in interest. In an interview given exclusively to the SciELO in Perspectives blog, various aspects of Altmetrics are addressed by Euan Adie – CEO of Euan will also be one of the speakers at the SciELO 15 Years Conference. Read More →

Open access articles are here to stay: in less than 10 years nearly 50% of articles worldwide can be accessed this way

Publication sponsored by the European Commission, which highlights the role of SciELO in Brazil and the southern hemisphere, estimates that 50% of scholarly articles in the world are available in open access. Researchers like Stevan Harnad calculate this rate by 32%. Methodological differences explain the discrepancy, but the results achieved in a decade show no reversal on this trend. Read More →

Interview with Indrajit Banerjee, Director of the UNESCO Information Society Division

To achieve the goal of open and inclusive knowledge societies, different approaches and strategies were adopted by UNESCO. In this interview, Indrajit Banerjee highlights that SciELO’s decentralized cooperative platform provides the context for a country to take charge of the process of Open Access publishing. Read More →

Agenda for the Discussion on the Future Development of the SciELO Network

The national coordinating bodies of the SciELO Network are conducting, by mutual agreement, a working agenda to define the priority lines of action for the coming years aimed at improving the journals and the SciELO collections. The lines of action will be debated and approved during the face-to-face meeting of the network which will take place during the SciELO 15 Years Conference. Read More →

Interview with Vincent Larivière

Bibliometrics/Scientometrics is at the heart of information science and It is important to recall the various limitations of bibliometric indicators – warns Vincent Larivière. The journal Impact Factor provides a useful “holistic” indication of the relative position of a journal within a subfield. Most researchers outside Library and Information Science have no clue on its actual limitations! Read More →

Indicators of academic productivity in University rankings: criteria and methodologies

The collective academic output of professors, researchers and students affiliated to universities, measured by the number of articles that are published in indexed journals and/or by citations they receive, is one of major indicators used in the elaboration of university rankings. However, each ranking evaluates academic output differently. Read More →

Altmetrics, Alternative metrics and Alternative measurements: new perspectives on the visibility and impact of scientific research

Altmetrics is a new field which measures the interactions that occur on the Web on the part of users about research results. Sibele Fausto follows up on the post of Atila Iamarino and comments on the repositioning of the invisible colleges in social networks which has resulted in an intensified exchange of information and debate of ideas, whose metrics point to the interest stimulated by scientific works. Read More →

You do the sharing, I “like” it and we create the metrics

The approach instinctively adopted by users of social networks to share articles leaves trails which are tracked almost immediately by metrics which give some indication of their future value as an information source. This is in complete contrast to citation based metrics which can take months or even years to be calculated. Atila Iamarino speaks to us about “The Wisdom of Crowds” as it takes place in real time. Read More →

Get a taste of the real character of Brazil in the Central Market

A visit to the Central Market (Mercado Central) of São Paulo on Saturday or Sunday is our recommendation to the participants of the SciELO 15 Years Conference to get a real taste of São Paulo. Located in the central part of the city, the market is a colorful space full of fruits, vegetables, cheeses, meats, fish and restaurants. Shop keepers, customers, tourists from Brazil and abroad blend together to form a backdrop of many different voices and sights in this lovely architectural landmark. Read More →

Conference Agenda: SciELO 15 Years Conference

The SciELO 15 Years Conference will deal with the dimensions and aspects of contemporary scholarly communication that are molding the form and ways that academic research will be communicated in the future. The conference program attempts to place the analyses and debates within the framework of a global vision of academic research. Read More →

Interview with Hooman Momen, Editor of the Bulletin of the World Health Organization

The editor of the WHO Bulletin talks about the various trends permeating international Open Access scholarly communication, the Finch report (UK), megajournals, multilingualism, and the transformative impact of technologies that always bring out conditions that favor or challenge the development of journals of developing countries or emerging economies, in particular those of SciELO. Read More →