Wellcome Open Research, the future of scholarly communication? [Originally published in LSE Impact of Social Sciences blog in February/2019]

In this blog, Robert Kiley and Michael Markie, discuss the ambition behind creating Wellcome Open Research, an innovative funder led publishing platform, and assess the success of the platform over its first two years. Going on to imagine a future, in which all research is published using the principles behind Wellcome Open Research, they suggest the potential benefits such a publishing system would have for research and research assessment. Read More →

Is a dramatic boost to open access imminent? I think so!

Recent developments, such as Plan S, a funder mandate for grantees to publish their findings with open access, as well as the growth in preprints – in terms of number of articles posted as well as preprint services becoming available – are bound to have a major impact on the amount of new scientific journal literature being openly and freely accessible by anyone, anywhere. Read More →

From star peer reviewers to ghost peer reviewers – Part II

Open reviews and the emergence of platforms such as Publons, which publish these activities and integrate them into other academic tasks, open the possibility of the emergence of a new aspect of bibliometrics and certainly a new and prestigious market. Read More →

From star peer reviewers to ghost peer reviewers – Part I

Peer review is an integral part of scholarly publishing and is carried out globally by most researchers in developed countries. To what extent researchers from emerging countries participate and which measures of their performance are reported in the result of the largest survey on peer review conducted so far. This note is the first of two on the subject. Read More →

Scientific Publishing Innovations: the Future of Journals and Peer Review

On the first day of SciELO 20 Years Week, during the WG5 – Scientific Publishing Innovations and the Future of Peer Review and Journals, new methodologies for opening the publishing process using preprints servers were discussed throughout the day before an audience of more than 50 people and presentations of six experts. Text available only in Spanish. Read More →

Pirates of the medical literature – a worldwide bibliometric study

A large volume of medical literature is being illegally downloaded in almost every country in the world. There is a significant relationship between the scientific output of these countries and the density of illegal downloads, especially in middle-income countries. This unequal pattern of legal access to medical literature requires the attention of both the publishing industry and policy makers. Read More →

Administration of research data in France’s CNRS

The paper discussed here presents the results of a national CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) survey answered by 432 directors of public research laboratories in France on the opinions and behavior of experienced scientists about research data management (RDM). Read More →

SciELO after 20 Years: the future remains open

The present and future of the SciELO Program, of the 15 collections of the SciELO Network and, particularly, of the over 1,000 SciELO journals, was widely analyzed and debated at the SciELO 20 Years Week in the context of a globalized and inclusive scholarly communication. The alignment with open science becomes the driving force behind the operation and improvement of quality journals focused on professionalization, internationalization, and operational and financial sustainability. The expectation is that within the next three years most journals and the research they publish will be operating according to the best practices of open science. Read More →

The role of non-Brazilian contribution in the publishing performance of psychology journals in Brazil

An examination of publishing performance among psychology journals in Brazil finds higher publishing performance associated with non-Brazilian contribution, in terms of: authors and editorial board members from English-speaking countries; as well as collaboration with authors from English-speaking countries. Implications are discussed for editors and publishers, as well as arbiters of public policy. Read More →

The absurdity of the same requirement for law that the rest of the scientific publications

Bibliometric indexes (e.g., WoS/Scopus), normally used for hard sciences and even social sciences, should not be used as a parameter for law research in the same way, as it does not respond to the same extent to measure quality or productivity of research in this field. Text available only in Spanish. Read More →

Plan S — and Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Recently, in Europe, a plan has been launched to accelerate the transition to open access. It is called Plan S. Its key principle is stated as follows: “After 1 January 2020 scientific publications on the results from research funded by public grants provided by national and European research councils and funding bodies, must be published in compliant Open Access Journals or on compliant Open Access Platforms.” Some issues are highlighted, especially the issue of the cost of APCs, and some suggestions for possible improvement of Plan S are given. Read More →

Find out everything about the WG Institutional journal portals and the transition to Open Science that took place in the SciELO Network Meeting [Originally published in Periódicos de Minas’ blog in October/2018]

The SciELO Network Meeting took place on September 2018, in celebration of SciELO’s 20 years. At the occasion, eight working groups met to discuss topics related to scientific journals. Working Group 7 discussed Institutional Journal Portals and the transition to Open Science. Check out how went the WG experience. Read More →

In memoriam: Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner – 1923-2018

Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner, founder and editor of the Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, a SciELO Brazil journal, and president of Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos (ABEC) between 2000 and 2004, passed away at his home on October 16, 2018 at the age of 94. This post presents a summary of his remarkable academic and professional career. In honor of Dr. Döbereiner’s memory, SciELO highlights its remarkable contribution to the advancement of scientific research and communication in Brazil. Text available only in Portuguese. Read More →

ORCID and publishers: connecting researchers with research

ORCID enables researchers to be uniquely identified and connected to their contributions, and to share information on a global scale. Read this blog to learn how the publishing community is implementing ORCID to engage with authors and reviewers and how to join the conversation! Read More →

Challenges in peer review of scientific articles on Administration in Brazil

Sharing their experiences as authors, reviewers and editors of scientific journals, Sandro Cabral and Marcelo de Souza Bispo reflect on the challenges of the article evaluation process, criticize the current system that favors productivism, overloading the reviewers, and draws attention on the need to train good reviewers in PhD courses in Brazil. Read More →