The first ever NISO Plus conference was held in Baltimore, USA, on February 23 to 25. It was centered on scholarly communication related to standards which is of special interest to SciELO and ORCID. Meant to be “a different conference experience for the information community”, participation, collaboration and inclusion characterized the event. NISO Plus succeeded in avoiding the “sage on stage” traditional conference format, and was all about open, lively (and nerdy!) discussions. This post recaps the discussion around contemporaneous standards. … Read More →
O que é urgente e necessário para subsidiar as políticas de enfrentamento da pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil? [Originalmente publicado na Rev. bras. epidemiol., vol. 23]
Passado pouco mais de um mês desde a confirmação do primeiro caso de Covid-19 no Brasil, entendemos ser necessário compartilhar com a comunidade científica e toda a sociedade brasileira algumas de nossas principais preocupações e recomendações. Disponível em português. … Read More →
COVID-19 – Computed tomography findings in two patients in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [Originally published in Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. vol. 53]
High-resolution chest CT is the most effective radiological examination for the early detection of lung involvement by COVID-19. The largest sample study to date has shown that, among 3,665 confirmed cases, in 95.5% (n = 3,498) of the patients, pulmonary impairment was correctly diagnosed by CT, which provides valuable information for diagnosis and evaluates the severity of lung disease caused by COVID-19, guiding clinical treatment. Available in English. … Read More →
COVID-19 Diagnostic and Management Protocol for Pediatric Patients [Originally published in Clinics, vol.75]
An extensive review of the medical literature on COVID-19 was performed, mainly focusing on the critical care of pediatric patients, considering expert opinions and recent reports related to this new disease. Experts from a large Brazilian public university analyzed all recently published material to produce a report aiming tostandardize the care of critically ill children and adolescents. Available in English. … Read More →
Management of inflammatory bowel disease patients in the COVID-19 pandemic era: a Brazilian tertiary referral center guidance [Originally published in Clinics, vol.75]
The world is fighting the COVID-19 outbreak and health workers, including inflammatory bowel diseases specialists, have been challenged to address the specific clinical issues of their patients. We hereby summarize the current literature in the management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients during the COVID-19 pandemic era that support the rearrangement of our IBD unit and the clinical advice provided to our patients. Available in English. … Read More →
COVID-19 pneumonia and the reversed halo sign [Originally published in J. bras. pneumol., vol. 46 no. 2]
A 56-year-old male patient with chronic bronchitis reported worsening of his usual dyspnea for one week prior to hospital admission, evolving to fever, productive cough, and non-massive hemoptysis, as well as a progressive need for oxygen supplementation, in the last 24h. … Read More →
Challenges in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in university hospitals [to be published in Rev Paul Pediatr.]
We are living the most important pandemic in recent world history, caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), with a significant impact on the economy, public health, and mental health of the entire society. São Paulo is the epicenter of the epidemic in Brazil. Brazilian university hospitals – centers for professional training and qualification, as well as knowledge production – have a major role in combating this epidemic. Available in English. … Read More →
Vulnerabilidade das microrregiões do Estado de São Paulo à pandemia do novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2)
Neste relatório, associamos dados da rede de fluxos rodoviários e da demografia das microrregiões paulistas com os casos confirmados de COVID-19 atualizados em 04/04/2020 para gerar informações estratégicas sobre a propagação geográfica da pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 no Estado de São Paulo. Disponível em português. … Read More →
COVID-19: A Matter Close to the Heart [Originally published in Int. J. Cardiovasc. Sci.]
When approaching patients with COVID-19, cardiologists should be alert to new clinical manifestations, such as arrhythmias, left ventricular dysfunction and systemic embolism, which might be related to that condition, since there is much that is still unknown about it. … Read More →
Covering biomedical research preprints amid the coronavirus: 6 things to know [Originally published in Journalist’s Resource in April/2020]
Journalists need to know these six things to cover coronavirus-related preprints, research papers that haven’t been peer reviewed by experts. … Read More →
A saúde do trabalhador e o enfrentamento da COVID-19 [Originalmente publicado na Rev. bras. saúde ocup., vol.45]
O enfrentamento da pandemia do novo coronavírus faz parte das funções essenciais da Saúde Pública por meio de ações voltadas para a população ou para grupos com maior risco de contaminação, como os profissionais de saúde. No entanto, outras atividades de trabalho podem ter um papel relevante na disseminação do vírus e, portanto, a análise de como se processam é determinante para a prevenção do adoecimento. Disponível em português. … Read More →
Reflections about the impact of the SARS-COV-2/ COVID-19 pandemic on mental health [Originally published in Braz. J. Psychiatry]
Attention has been focused on the exponential increase in infections, but this phenomenon – and its consequences – are certainly not limited to medical disease. Although the effects of the coronavirus on mental health have not yet been studied systematically, I would like to make a few relevant points about the mental health of the population during the ongoing pandemic. … Read More →
The Brazilian ongoing intervention studies for COVID-19: Clinical trials protocols
Our study shows that there are sixteen intervention studies in progress about COVID-19 in Brazil (CONEP registry), however, only six are available in the protocol registry databases. Brazilian open access research protocols investigated interventions with: hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin or monotherapy; chloroquine; dexamethasone; mesenchymal stem cells. Five studies (83%) are open and include patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis. Three studies are multicenter and all include clinically relevant outcomes. Available in Portuguese. … Read More →
Information about the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) [Originally published in Radiol Bras]
The recognition of imaging patterns based on the time since coronavirus infection is critical not only to understanding the pathophysiology and natural history of the infection but also to predicting patient progression and the development of complications. … Read More →
SciELO Books and open access in epidemic times: More important than ever
The COVID-19 pandemic has spelled out the decisive role of open access (OA) to knowledge and scientific evidence. Globally, there is a temporary opening of collections of paid-for books and subscription journals to support overcoming the pandemic. SciELO Books permanently indexes, publishes and disseminates a collection of more than 700 books in OA, contributing to support public and professional policies, the expansion of the university, valuing the academic book, and the disciplines that make intensive use of the book. … Read More →
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