Category: Editorials

SciELO Preprints begins operations

The SciELO Program has launched the SciELO Preprints server – – with the aim of accelerating the availability of research articles and other scientific communications before, or in parallel with, their evaluation and validation by scientific journals through the peer review process. Although open to all thematic areas, SciELO Preprints will focus on immediately serving communications related to COVID-19. Read More →

SciELO after 20 Years: the future remains open

The present and future of the SciELO Program, of the 15 collections of the SciELO Network and, particularly, of the over 1,000 SciELO journals, was widely analyzed and debated at the SciELO 20 Years Week in the context of a globalized and inclusive scholarly communication. The alignment with open science becomes the driving force behind the operation and improvement of quality journals focused on professionalization, internationalization, and operational and financial sustainability. The expectation is that within the next three years most journals and the research they publish will be operating according to the best practices of open science. Read More →

At 20 Years, the SciELO Network updates priorities and advances to open science

The 20 Years of SciELO mark the transition to a new period of development of the program, the network of 16 national collections and mainly of the journals, which will be characterized by the progressive adoption of best practices of open science communication that advocates the celerity and transparency in the evaluation processes and communication of research and the opening of the articles’ underlying content in favor of their reuse and the reproducibility of research results. The updating of the priority lines of action will contribute to updating the collections’ indexing policies and the journals’ editorial policies. Read More →

SciELO 20 Years and the future of journals: opine, comment, question

SciELO is promoting journals’ alignment with the best practices of open science and the proactive participation of all actors of the SciELO Network, especially journal editors and leaders through a process of knowledge accumulation that allows for the conciliation of national research and journals’ conditions and priorities with the international state of the art. Join the analyses and debates on the relevance of SciELO journals and their future at the SciELO 20 Years Week, on September 24th to 28th. Read More →

The tomorrow of SciELO journals will be discussed by working groups in the SciELO Networking Meeting of the SciELO 20 Years week

The SciELO 20 Years Week is envisaged as a global discussion forum about the status of journals, the advancement and challenges related to the transition to open science modus operandi. A key week event, the SciELO Network Meeting will take place by means of working groups of editors and information and communication researchers and professionals, who will analyze SciELO journals’ relevance and the priority lines of action for the coming 3 to 5 years, which will orient the transition to open science. Read More →

SciELO 20 Years Conference – an innovative and participative forum on the future of scholarly communication

The celebration of the 20 years of SciELO in 2018 will culminate with the Meeting of the SciELO Network and the SciELO 20 Years Conference, in the week of September 24th-28th. The Network Meeting will address the updates of the SciELO Publishing Model and the priority lines of action for the coming years. The SciELO 20 Years Conference will discuss 12 contemporary scientific communication themes. Each of these themes will be developed under the coordination of a scientific committee that will gather bibliographies, interviews, posts and articles that will guide the debates in the 20 Years Conference. Read More →

SciELO Indexing Criteria align with open science communication

The new SciELO Brazil Criteria are aligned with the good practices of open science communication. They become valid from January 2018 and project a new stage of improvement of Brazil’s scientific communication, which should be progressively extended to the other countries of the SciELO Network. The advancement towards open science has as a characteristic the repositioning of the main players of scholarly communication: authors, journals, and research funders. Read More →

The time has come for the quality journals of Brazil

Policies, programs and research projects are expected to leverage journals of Brazil which will contribute to widening the recognition and qualification of Brazilian science in its scientific and social dimensions, beyond the classic bibliometric ranking of journals which influences researchers, academic institutions, journals and funding agencies. Read More →

Persistence and normalization of data were the main topics of the III SciELO-ScholarOne Updating Course

The III SciELO-ScholarOne Updating Course is a continuation of the SciELO Program’s commitment to raise the level of professionalism of its journals. The event took place at the FAPESP auditorium in São Paulo and brought together about 150 representatives from 70 SciELO journals seeking to improve their editorial management and had as main topics the persistence and normalization of data. Read More →

SciELO 20 Years – September 26-28th, 2018

The celebration of SciELO’s 20 years will comprise a series of events related to the evaluation of the performance of SciELO as a differentiated model of open access publishing. The events will culminate with an international conference which projects as a landmark forum for discussing the innovations of scholarly communication in line with open science practices. Read More →

SciELO Preprints on the way

The main objective of SciELO Preprints is to speeding up the availability of research results and will contribute to an organized flow of potentially acceptable preprints by SciELO journals, in line with the advances and growing importance of preprints publication internationally. The cooperative construction of the SciELO Preprints modus operandi will encompass the promotion and debate of the preprints concept, the definition of governance and operations structures and the operational implementation. It is expected to be fully operational by mid-2018. Read More →

SciELO and the future of journals

The joint participation of journals and SciELO in overcoming problems that affect scholarly communication in the national and global contexts was the central topic of the 2016 annual SciELO Brazil meeting. The advances in professionalization, internationalization and sustainability of SciELO journals are improving their key functions on research validation and constitute a new stage in the evolution of SciELO. Read More →

Flow of manuscripts and items processed by SciELO Brazil journals in 2014 and 2015

The improvement of manuscripts management is a key dimension in advancing the professionalization of journals promoted by SciELO. In recent years, the manuscript flow of the SciELO Brazil collection includes more than 80,000 submissions and about 20,000 articles published annually. This post looks at this flow in different thematic areas. Read More →

International course updated SciELO network professionals on the new methodological platform

The SciELO network collections of national quality journals operate in a decentralized manner in 15 countries following common objectives, principles, methodologies and technologies. To achieve the main objective of contributing to improving the quality, visibility, use and impact of the journals, the network promotes the development of skills and scientific communication national infrastructures following the state of the art and has as a principle to maximize the interoperability of journals and articles on the Web. Thus, one of the most recent advances in the operational platform of SciELO collections is the adoption of full texts structure in XML, which motivated the updating course on the methodological platform, held in June 6-10 in São Paulo, with the participation of 16 representatives from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Paraguay, Spain and Uruguay. Read More →

The adoption of English among SciELO Brazil journals has been increasing

The adoption of the English language is one of the advances that SciELO is promoting in order to increase the insertion, visibility and international impact of journals and the research they communicate. In recent years, the adoption of English has growing consistently among SciELO journals, which, from 2014 reached the milestone of publishing more in English than in Portuguese. The expectation of SciELO is that in the 2 to 3 forthcoming years 75% of the articles will be published in English and 40 to 50% in Portuguese. Read More →