By Henrique Castro Martins and Gerson de Souza Raimundo Júnior

Image: Markus Spiske.
Data analysis, whether quantitative or qualitative, is one of the most critical steps in scientific research. Besides requiring specific tools (for example, software capable of performing statistical analyses), this step demands knowledge and time availability from the researcher. Thus, although in an unstructured and informal way, it is common, among members of the scientific community, to share the codes created by the scientist that allowed the realization of their research. However, despite being an increasingly common practice among members of the scientific community, such sharing does not easily reach market participants.
So the Open Code Community project ( was created. The Open Code Community is a community project created by Henrique Castro Martins (Professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas) and Gerson Júnior (PhD student in Finance at PUC-Rio and Quantitative Analyst at NCH Capital Brasil). The goal of the project is to offer free and open tutorials, based on Open Science practices, which help market practitioners, undergraduate and graduate students develop research, solve problems, and perform economic-financial quantitative analysis.
The project is largely based on Open Science logic. In other words, browsing the site is completely free and all materials are offered free of charge to all interested parties. Moreover, the platform encourages participants to come together to solve specific programming and/or analysis problems. Since the community is open, the potential benefits of using the website can be realized by virtually the entire stakeholder population. This enhances the social inclusion of students and market practitioners from less favored regions from the absorption of specialized and complex knowledge obtained at practically zero cost.
In other words, there are no exclusionary criteria for the admission of new collaborators, which reinforces the project’s sense of community and encourages the inclusion of new participants. This feature also differentiates the project from similar platforms, which are usually centralized and work under the umbrella of a marketable product or service. The fact that the project is free, operating with the objective of inclusion and based on a sense of community, without the requirement to purchase marketable products or services is a differential of the project.
It is with these benefits in mind and with the aim of promoting integration between members of the scientific community and market participants that the Open Code Community Project was created. To learn more about, visit the links below.
MENDES-DA-SILVA, W. Meus dados, minha vida: Objetivos individuais e papel da comunidade de pesquisadores na área de negócios. Rev. adm. Contemp. [online]. 2020, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 197-200 [viewed 17 February 2022]. Available from:
External links
LinkedIn – Gerson de Souza Raimundo Júnior
LinkedIn – Henrique Castro Martins
LinkedIn – Open Code Community
Twitter – Open Code Community (@opencodecom)
About Henrique Castro Martins
PhD in Administration with emphasis in Finance and Professor of Finance at the CFC – FGV/EAESP (São Paulo, Brazil). He teaches Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, and Financial Policy at all levels of education. He conducts research in the areas of Corporate Finance and ESG.
About Gerson de Souza Raimundo Júnior
PhD student in Finance at PUC-Rio and Member of the Research Center in Finance at PUC-Rio (FINE). He was a Visiting Researcher at IÉSEG-Paris, France. He has published articles in international journals such as Finance Research Letters, Journal of Behavioral Finance, and Applied Economic Letters. He teaches Finance in courses, workshops, and lectures.
Translated from the original in Portuguese by Lilian Nassi-Calò.
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