Tag: Scielo Program

The SciELO journals are being improved by the adoption of classic workflows relating to the online management of article submissions

Together with the journals that it indexes, SciELO is fostering the improvement of the management of the evaluation of article submissions in order to help overcome the various difficulties faced by the journals, and to strengthen the transparency of the processes. Part of this initiative is the use of automated management systems that organize the functions of the parties involved in the evaluation of article submissions, allow for the monitoring of the workflows and provide statistics on the corresponding activities, with a view to steering the systematic improvement of the processes. This post analyzes three classic workflows in the automated management of article submissions adopted by a group of SciELO journals whose promising results show the viability of SciELO’s strategy. Read More →

The SciELO in Perspective blog celebrates its first year

Social networks are an integral part of the scholarly communication process, acting as they do as sources of access to curated information, as a medium of dissemination and marketing, and as sources of the so called altmetrics that measure the visibility and influence of research on the Web. The adoption of social networks by the SciELO journals is a priority of the SciELO Program in its professionalization and internationalization action lines. In July 2014, the blog SciELO in Perspective celebrated it first successful year of operation, and is defining itself as the common blog platform for the SciELO journals. Read More →

The challenges in professionalization

The professionalization of the management and operation of journals indexed by SciELO is facing challenges related to SciELO’s central position in the academic environment, with particular reference, on the one hand, to the rational use of the limited time that researchers dedicate to the position of Editor-in-Chief and, on the other hand, to the adoption of editing, publishing, dissemination and marketing services in line with the international state of the art. Read More →

Scientometrics of peer-reviewers – will they be finally recognized?

ORCID and CASRAI have initiated a project to establish a set of standard procedures to recognize the work of peer-reviewers. In this way the important work of peer-review, almost always anonymous, will be counted in the acknowledgments and be incorporated into scientometric indicators and altmetrics. But this will depend upon a sufficient level of adoption and acceptance of the procedures. Read More →

SciELO Brazil revises indexing criteria

The indexing criteria that guide the journal review process to determine the inclusion and permanence in SciELO Brazil is being updated. The new criteria will be announced in the second half of 2014. The main objective is that indexing criteria reflects the priority lines of action of the SciELO Program to increase the visibility and impact of the research it communicates. Read More →

Why XML?

The XML structuring of full texts of all SciELO journals from 2015 ownwards represents a significant advance in the process of editing, publishing and interoperability of journals and the research they publish. With XML the process of quality control of the structure of the texts, their storage and retrieval in databases, exchange with other systems and display in different formats as well as in fixed and mobile reading devices will be more efficient. Read More →

SciELO Citation Index in the Web of Science

The SciELO Citation Index is now available in the WoS platform. It represents an important contribution to the development of the SciELO journals and is a leading edge solution to the issue of the international indexing of the journals, in particular to the counts of the citations received by the published articles. SciELO CI should be considered a standard to be used in the evaluation processes of agencies that support research and scholarly communication. Read More →

Scientific Data: Nature Publishing Group moves the communication of scientific data forward with its new online open access publication

The description and communication of research data is an integral part of the opening up of science and one which eScience adheres to; it is one of the specific SciELO action lines. Amongst the many initiatives which are in progress, it is the announcement made by Nature Publishing Group concerning the launch of the publication entitled Scientific Data which stands out. This publication is geared towards communicating the descriptions of scientific data files. Read More →

The way ahead for innovating and renewing the management of the SciELO journals

The SciELO Program team is pleased to wish all the readers of the SciELO in Perspective blog Seasons Greetings, and hopes that 2014 will be full of success for you all. The celebration of 15 years of the on-going operation of SciELO in 2013 was enriched by the wide-ranging and in – depth analysis and discussion concerning SciELO’s successes and the advances made, the lessons learned, and the problems which still persist as well as the challenges and future perspectives. Read More →

UNESCO Guidelines provide a detailed review of Open Access

UNESCO has recently published the UNESCO Policy guidelines for the development and promotion of open access, whose objective is to promote Open Access in its Member States. The Guidelines contribute to the understanding of the most important aspects of Open Access so that countries and their institutions may choose appropriate policies and link them to their national research systems. Read More →

Interview with Susana I. Córdoba de Torresi

Susana I. Cordoba de Torresi, from the Brazilian Chemical Society discusses the mission, achievements and challenges of the Society’s journals, from having them ranked in the national Qualis system, to how SciELO has improved their visibility. Read More →

Interview with Euan Adie, CEO of altmetric.com

Altmetrics is something that cannot be ignored. Based on the online monitoring of social networks in order to track the impact of academic publications, this new field is experiencing a rapid surge in interest. In an interview given exclusively to the SciELO in Perspectives blog, various aspects of Altmetrics are addressed by Euan Adie – CEO of altmetric.com. Euan will also be one of the speakers at the SciELO 15 Years Conference. Read More →

Open access articles are here to stay: in less than 10 years nearly 50% of articles worldwide can be accessed this way

Publication sponsored by the European Commission, which highlights the role of SciELO in Brazil and the southern hemisphere, estimates that 50% of scholarly articles in the world are available in open access. Researchers like Stevan Harnad calculate this rate by 32%. Methodological differences explain the discrepancy, but the results achieved in a decade show no reversal on this trend. Read More →

Interview with Indrajit Banerjee, Director of the UNESCO Information Society Division

To achieve the goal of open and inclusive knowledge societies, different approaches and strategies were adopted by UNESCO. In this interview, Indrajit Banerjee highlights that SciELO’s decentralized cooperative platform provides the context for a country to take charge of the process of Open Access publishing. Read More →

SciELO – the first 15 years: towards a New Era

The SciELO in Perspective blog makes its debut with the aim of promoting the exchange of information, experiences and knowledge in scholarly communication. The intention is to share the advances of the SciELO Program and Network in their new development phase. Your collaboration is welcomed. Read More →