Trends in the prevalence of COVID-19 infection in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: repeated serological surveys

The number of confirmed cases, as April 11, surpassed 1,700,000, but this figure does not reflect the real prevalence of COVID-19 in the population, as in many countries tests are almost exclusively performed in people with symptoms, particularly severe cases. Available in Portuguese. Read More →

ACE2 diversity in placental mammals reveals the evolutionary strategy of SARS-CoV-2 [To be published in Genet. Mol. Biol., vol. 43]

The recent emergence of SARS-CoV-2 is responsible for the current pandemic of COVID-19, which uses the human membrane protein ACE2 as a gateway to the host-cell infection. We perform comparative genomic analysis of 70 ACE2 placental mammal orthologues to identify variations and contribute to the understanding of evolutionary dynamics behind this successful adaptation to infect humans. Read More →

Coronavirus 2: Analysis of Regularity of Complete Genome (SARS-CoV-2/Hu/DP/Kng/19-020 RNA)

This paper shows a technique for the detection of regularities in the complete genome of Coronavirus 2. For this, the concept of intervals in the RNA chain and their comparison within the known sequence is used. The Maximum Regularity Index was applied. The results show that areas of high regularity are identified that coincide with ORF10, Gene N, nucleocapsid phosphoprotein and others. The detection of regularities can enhance the creation of biochemical or genetic techniques to deactivate certain functions of Coronavirus 2 or control its effects. Read More →

SARS-CoV-2: a clinical update

The covid-19 pandemic decreed by WHO raises greater knowledge about it. The infection reached the mark of 950,000 patients in 33 countries and raised as risk factors the presence of comorbidities and advanced age. Available in Portuguese. Read More →

Education before the advance of COVID-19 in Paraguay. Comparison with Triple Border countries

The advance of COVID in Paraguay and in the world has led to a change in the routine of the affected countries on a smaller and larger scale. It has also generated a change in the policy of the modality of education. This study addresses a current pandemic event by looking at the countries of the Triple Border: Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil with the aim of describing the measures taken by each government in relation to education. Available in Spanish. Read More →

Overview of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in five countries facing community transmission

Due to the current pandemic caused by COVID-19, this study aims to compare the evolution of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in five countries facing community transmission of the disease. This is a time series study that included confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the following countries: Brazil, China, Spain, United States and Italy. Available in Portuguese. Read More →

COVID-19 in the State of Ceará: behaviors and beliefs in the arrival of the pandemic [to be published in Ciênc. saúde coletiva]

This study aimed to evaluate the behavioral aspects and beliefs of the population of Ceará in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. An online questionnaire was conducted on sociodemographic aspects and opinions related to the pandemic. We can conclude that the approach to the COVID-19 pandemic varies by social aspects, such as gender, age, education, and place of residence, as well as the belief system of the population of the State of Ceará. Available in Portuguese. Read More →

RAC | Call for papers: Teaching Covid-19’s Impact on Business

These are challenging times. But in every crisis, lies great opportunity. This special call for papers seeks to promote learning at such a difficult time. The idea is to create teaching cases that develop learning and discussion in class about how the world and businesses can react to profound changes. The scientific community has assembled spaces for discussion on how this crisis affects teaching and business, but we need long lasting resources for teaching how to manage future crisis to come. Read More →

The Importance of Scientific Publications in Times of Pandemic Crisis [Originally published in Clinics, vol.75]

Though we are accustomed to the concept of scientific evidence that is preferably based on large clinical trials that take years to complete, we must now rely on case studies, single cohort studies, and even the opinions of experts. However, we know that we cannot lose sight of the criteria for evidence-based medicine, and must remember to evaluate all potential biases existing in this type of scientific information without limiting its dissemination. Read More →

Presentation of pulmonary infection on CT in COVID-19: initial experience in Brazil [Originally published in J. bras. pneumol., vol. 46 no. 2]

The disease caused by the new coronavirus spread to all continents, and is now classified as a pandemic. Given the magnitude achieved, scientific interest in COVID-19 has also grown in the international literature, including its manifestations on imaging studies, particularly on CT. To date, no case series have been published in Brazil. Therefore, our objective was to describe the CT findings in an initial series of twelve patients. Read More →

Personality differences and COVID-19: are extroversion and conscientiousness personality traits associated with engagement with containment measures? [Originally published in Trends Psychiatry Psychother.]

In December 2019, an outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) probably occurred in Wuhan, China. By March 2020, the WHO had declared a pandemic. Containment measures such as social distancing and hand hygiene were recommended. In this study, we start from the hypothesis that engaging with containment measures in a pandemic situation should be more comfortable for some people than for other people. Thus, individual differences should be associated with engagement with containment measures. Read More →

How should health systems prepare for the evolving COVID-19 pandemic? Reflections from the perspective of a Tertiary Cancer Center [Originally published in Clinics, vol.75]

In light of the emerging data, we discuss issues to be considered as health systems systematize their responses. We are not trying to predict the future, but rather, present potential scenarios. Herein, we provide the perspective of the ICESP, a publically funded tertiary referral cancer center in Brazil. The current editorial does not represent institutional or governmental positions. Formal policies take time to receive official approval. Read More →

Nonpharmaceutical interventions for tackling the COVID-19 epidemic in Brazil [Originally published in Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde, vol. 29 no. 2]

In the absence of prior immunity in the human population and with no vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, its highly virulent nature means that case numbers grow exponentially. Nonpharmaceutical interventions are indicated in this context, aimed at inhibiting transmission between humans, slowing the spread of the disease and consequently reducing and delaying the peak of its occurrence on the epidemiological curve. Read More →

Schizophrenia and COVID-19: risks and recommendations [Originally published in Braz. J. Psychiatry]

“Is my son at risk in view of COVID-19?” A patient’s mother contacted our Schizophrenia Outpatient Clinic as soon as news about the coronavirus pandemic reached Brazilian headlines. I immediately remembered how we hear in mental health services that “patients with severe mental illness are immune deficient.” But is this true? What are the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for schizophrenia patients and their families? Read More →

Physically Active Lifestyle as an Approach to Confronting COVID-19 [Originally published in Arq. Bras. Cardiol.]

Considering the recommendations for social isolation currently imposed in different countries, it is fundamental to encourage the population to maintain a physically active lifestyle routine as a preventative health measure during this period of confronting the spread of the virus. During periods of confinement at home, the population tends to adopt a sedentary routine, which favors increased body weight gain, as well as the emergence of comorbidities associated with greater cardiovascular risk, in addition to psychosocial disorders. Read More →