Category: Editorials

Speeding up research communication: the actions of SciELO

The SciELO Program has been promoting the individualized publication of articles, increasing the frequency of publication and the anticipation of publication of new issues. The goal is to contribute to the improvement of SciELO journals in line with the current trend to accelerate research communication. Read More →

SciELO’s Contribution to the Globalization of Science [Originally published in Digital Science’s “Perspectives” blog]

SciELO was created in Brazil about two decades ago when international indexes limited their coverage to the so called main stream journals ignoring an universe of journals edited by regional publishers mainly from developing and non-English speaking countries. Aiming to increase the quality and visibility of world-class research communicated by these nationally edited peer reviewed journals, SciELO quickly emerged as an indexing and publishing model adopted by a network of 15 countries that covers over one thousand journals, more than 500 thousand articles that serve a daily average of more than 1 million downloads. SciELO contributes to the globalization of science and to the cultural enrichment of the international flow of scientific information. This post by the directors of SciELO was originally published on Digital Science’s blog, “Perspectives”. Read More →

The SciELO in Perspective blog celebrates its second anniversary

This July, the blog SciELO in Perspective celebrates its second anniversary in communicating, analyzing and discussing innovations and advances in the field of information science, in increasing the visibility of the journals indexed by SciELO, and in sharing the developments of the SciELO Program which is guided by its priority action lines concerning the professionalization, internationalization and sustainability of the journals. Read More →

Enhancing peer review: guides, tutorials and good practice manuals

The validation of scientific reports before publication is an established practice, whose effectiveness and importance is recognized by authors, publishers, funding agencies and scientific societies around the world, in order to ensure the originality, quality, reliability, integrity and consistency of scholarly literature. What has long been the exclusive prerogative of publishers and editors now relies on innovative initiatives by organizations and societies dedicated to understand and improve the process. Read More →

Online management of manuscripts is a required indexing criterion of SciELO

From 2015 on all journals indexed in SciELO Brazil should operate the review of manuscripts with the support of a system or service that records the flow of transactions and produce follow up reports and statistics. The aim is to strengthen the quality and credibility of the journals. Read More →

350 years of scientific publication: from the “Journal des Sçavans” and Philosophical Transactions to SciELO

Is has been 350 years since the first numbers of the first journals of scientific nature were published – Journal des Sçavans and Philosophical Transactions. With the support of the new printing technology handwritten letters used in the communication between researchers and scholars have been replaced. There is much to celebrate in these 350 years in which scientific journals contributed to the record and memory of the advancement of science. Online Web publishing is the most important transformation of scientific journals since that year 1665. Read More →

The SciELO Network publishes more than 500,000 articles in open access during its 17 years of operation

With more than 500 thousand articles indexed and published in open access, the SciELO Network begins 2015 having achieved a notable milestone. On the eve of the completion of 17 years of continuous operation, this milestone is a result of the ongoing operation of 13 certified journal collections that adopted the SciELO Model between 1998 and 2009, inclusive. This post presents SciELO as it is today, and highlights the commitment of SciELO in advancing the professionalization, internationalization and financial sustainability of journals. Read More →

Internationalization of journals was the central topic of the 4th Annual SciELO Meeting

The extent of national and international dimensions as determinants of the performance of journals of Brazil dominated the program of the 4th Annual SciELO Meeting, held on December 2, at the FAPESP auditorium in São Paulo. Currently responsible for the communication of more than 25% of the national scientific production indexed internationally, the journals of Brazil influence the country’s international scientometric ranking, positively in number of articles and negatively in received citations per article. Read More →

The visibility of journals of Brazil

The increase in visibility of journals and the research they communicate is an expectation that permeates journals of quality, the policies and programs of funding agencies and, in particular, of the SciELO Program. Throughout its 16 years in operation, and always in partnership with the journals, SciELO achieved outstanding results that are reflected in the performance of the journals. SciELO plans important advances for the coming years, such as the increase in the percentage of articles in English, and by authors with foreign affiliation. Read More →

The annual meeting of SciELO signals a new phase in the Program

Beginning in 2015, SciELO Brazil will operate under new indexing criteria based on complying with a list of requirements and indicators related to the adoption of the lines of action of professionalization, internationalization and financial sustainability promoted by the SciELO Program. These lines of action aim to contribute to the improvement of the performance of the SciELO journals. The leadership of the editors-in-chief is vital to the adoption of these lines of action. The annual meeting of SciELO Brazil will take place in December with a focus on discussions of the evolution of the performance of the journals, and adopting new indexing criteria. Read More →

SciELO participates in the Global coalition supporting Creative Commons licenses to access journal articles

The STM International Association launched a series of new licensing models for open access contents. Its release caused a massive reaction from the scientific community and numerous organizations in the form of an open letter called Coalition Letter on STM Model Licenses, which so far gathered 83 organizations, including SciELO. The signatories understand that already established Creative Commons licenses cover a wide spectrum of possibilities, and that open access dispense new licenses. Read More →

The SciELO in Perspective blog celebrates its first year

Social networks are an integral part of the scholarly communication process, acting as they do as sources of access to curated information, as a medium of dissemination and marketing, and as sources of the so called altmetrics that measure the visibility and influence of research on the Web. The adoption of social networks by the SciELO journals is a priority of the SciELO Program in its professionalization and internationalization action lines. In July 2014, the blog SciELO in Perspective celebrated it first successful year of operation, and is defining itself as the common blog platform for the SciELO journals. Read More →

The challenges in professionalization

The professionalization of the management and operation of journals indexed by SciELO is facing challenges related to SciELO’s central position in the academic environment, with particular reference, on the one hand, to the rational use of the limited time that researchers dedicate to the position of Editor-in-Chief and, on the other hand, to the adoption of editing, publishing, dissemination and marketing services in line with the international state of the art. Read More →

SciELO Brazil revises indexing criteria

The indexing criteria that guide the journal review process to determine the inclusion and permanence in SciELO Brazil is being updated. The new criteria will be announced in the second half of 2014. The main objective is that indexing criteria reflects the priority lines of action of the SciELO Program to increase the visibility and impact of the research it communicates. Read More →

Why XML?

The XML structuring of full texts of all SciELO journals from 2015 ownwards represents a significant advance in the process of editing, publishing and interoperability of journals and the research they publish. With XML the process of quality control of the structure of the texts, their storage and retrieval in databases, exchange with other systems and display in different formats as well as in fixed and mobile reading devices will be more efficient. Read More →