Author: Revista De Saúde Pública

Diabetes and COVID-19: more than the sum of two morbidities [Originally published in Rev. Saúde Pública, vol.54]

We emphasized how the burden of these two morbidities in a middle income country has aggravated this pandemic scenario. The comprehension of this association and biological plausibility may help face this pandemic and future challenges. Image: Matt Chesin. Read More →

Adults at high-risk of severe coronavirus disease-2019 (Covid-19) in Brazil [Originally published in Rev. Saúde Pública, vol.54]

Adults at risk of severe Covid-19 in Brazil varied from 34.0% (53 million) to 54.5% (86 million) nationwide. Less-educated adults present a 2-fold higher prevalence of risk factors compared to university graduated. We found no differences by sex and race/ethnicity. São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and Rio Grande do Sul were the most vulnerable states in absolute and relative terms of adults at risk. Image: Pop & Zebra. Read More →

Health belief model for coronavirus infection risk determinants [Originally published in Rev. Saúde Pública, vol. 54]

Our health belief model-based questionnaire using quantitative measures enabled the confirmation of popular beliefs about covid-19 infection risks. The advantage in our approach lays in the possibility of quickly, directly and quantitatively identifying individual belief profiles for each dimension in the questionnaire, serving as a great ally for communication processes and public health education.

Image: @visuals. Read More →

Translating transmissibility measures into recommendations for coronavirus prevention [Originally published in Rev. Saúde Pública, vol. 54]

The rapid increase in clinical cases of the new coronavirus disease, COVID-19, suggests high transmissibility. However, the estimates of the basic reproductive number reported in the literature vary widely. Considering this, we drew the function of contact-rate reduction required to control the transmission from both detectable and undetectable sources. Based on this, we offer a set of recommendations for symptomatic and asymptomatic populations during the current pandemic. Understanding the dynamics of transmission is essential to support government decisions and improve the community’s adherence to preventive measures. Read More →

Outbreak investigation in cargo ship in times of COVID-19 crisis, Port of Santos, Brazil [Originally published in Rev. Saúde Pública, vol. 54]

In February 2020, a Chinese cargo ship docked at the Port of Santos with reports of crew members with a feverish and respiratory condition. A team was gathered to verify the existence of suspected cases of COVID-19 inside the vessel and define its clearance. […] The investigation resulted from the implementation of the contingency plan to face a public health emergency of international importance and several surveillance entities cooperated. Read More →