Monthly Archives: May 2020

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Health belief model for coronavirus infection risk determinants [Originally published in Rev. Saúde Pública, vol. 54]

Our health belief model-based questionnaire using quantitative measures enabled the confirmation of popular beliefs about covid-19 infection risks. The advantage in our approach lays in the possibility of quickly, directly and quantitatively identifying individual belief profiles for each dimension in the questionnaire, serving as a great ally for communication processes and public health education.

Image: @visuals. Read More →

Can we manage prophylactic therapy in COVID-19 patients to prevent severe illness complications? [Originally published in J. vasc. bras., vol.19]

Many patients with COVID-19 have thromboembolic complications that worsen their prognosis. Herein, the authors propose a modified version of the CHA2DS2-VASc score, including 1 point for COVID-19, so that prophylaxis to protect against thromboembolic events would be indicated before the condition becomes severe. The advantages of this modification would be prevention of the patient’s condition worsening due to thromboembolic problems and reduction of the likelihood of a need for intensive care and mechanical ventilation, reducing mortality. Image: Robina Weermeijer. Read More →

Speech therapy, breastfeeding and COVID-19: information to speech therapist [Originally published in CoDAS, vol.32 no.3]

Currently, there is no evidence that the Corona Virus can be transmitted through breast milk, but it is known that an infected mother can transmit the virus through respiratory droplets during breastfeeding8. In a study carried out with six newborns of infected mothers, who were breastfeeding their babies, all samples were negative for the virus. Image: Wes Hicks. Read More →

Social media: friend or foe in the COVID-19 pandemic? [Originally published in Clinics, vol. 75]

Social media is extremely important to fight this contagious disease, not only to get information and be updated about it but also to understand how it spreads, how people interact, and how we can respond to it. As Heidi Tworek, assistant professor at University of British Columbia in Canada, said on Twitter, “Communications in a public health crisis are as crucial as medical intervention … in fact, communications policies ARE a medical intervention”. We didn’t have this tool a hundred years ago, but now we must use it wisely in every way we can to overcome this pandemic. Image: Hal Gatewood. Read More →

Why is SARS-CoV-2 infection milder among children? [Originally published in Clinics, vol. 75]

On the last April 27th, Bi et al. published a retrospective cohort study from Shenzhen, China demonstrating that the rate of infection in children below 10 years was similar to the population average, although children are less likely to develop severe symptoms. Image: Vanessa Bucceri. Read More →

Expert recommendations for the care of newborns of mothers with COVID-19 [Originally published in Clinics, vol. 75]

Despite the lack of scientific evidence regarding the potential for viral transmission to their fetus in pregnant mothers diagnosed with or suspected of COVID-19, it is important to elaborate the lines of care by specialists from hospitals caring for suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases to guide multidisciplinary teams and families diagnosed with the disease or involved in the care of pregnant women and newborns in this context. Multidisciplinary teams must be attentive to the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 so that decision-making is oriented and assertive for the management of the mother and newborn in both the hospital setting and at hospital discharge. Image: Nynne Schrøder. Read More →

Surgical Practice in the Current COVID-19 Pandemic: A Rapid Systematic Review [Originally published in Clinics, vol. 75]

Several additional recommendations with respect to surgical practice or surgical staff were also assessed and discussed, such as performing laparoscopic surgeries and avoiding the use of electrocauterization. On the basis of the current literature, we concluded that any surgery that can be delayed should be postponed. COVID-19 screening is strongly recommended for all surgical cases. Moreover, surgical staff should be reduced to the essential members and provided with institutional psychological support. Image: Paul Felberbauer. Read More →

Susceptibility of the Elderly to SARS-CoV-2 Infection: ACE-2 Overexpression, Shedding, and Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) [Originally published in Clinics, vol. 75]

We raise two main points, i) increased ACE-2 expression in pulmonary and heart tissues in users of chronic angiotensin 1 receptor (AT1R) blockers; and ii) antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) after previous exposure to other circulating coronaviruses. We believe that these points are pivotal for a better understanding of the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19, and must be carefully addressed by physicians and scientists in the field. Image: Big Dodzy. Read More →

Associations of moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary behavior with depressive and anxiety symptoms in self-isolating people during the COVID-19 pandemics: A cross-sectional survey in Brazil

To evaluate the associations of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), vigorous physical activity (VPA), moderate physical activity (MPA), and sedentary behavior (SB) with depressive, anxiety, and co-occurring depressive and anxiety symptoms (D&A) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Higher MVPA and VPA levels are associated with lower odds of depressive, anxiety and D&A symptoms. Higher SB is associated with higher odds of depressive symptoms. Read More →

Personal data usage and privacy considerations in the COVID-19 global pandemic

Considering the current scenario, initiatives designed to support infection surveillance and monitoring are essential and necessary. Nonetheless, ethical, legal and technical questions abound regarding the amount and types of personal data being collected, processed, shared and used in the name of public health, as well as the concomitant or posterior use of this data. Read More →

El COVID-19: Cuarentena y su Impacto Psicológico en la población

En el cual encontramos efectos psicológicos negativos tanto en la población general como en personal de salud que son quienes se encuentran en la primera línea de la atención de este virus, entre los principales: síntomas de estrés postraumático, confusión y enojo. Los factores estresantes incluyen el alargamiento de la cuarentena, temores de infección, frustración, aburrimiento, suministros inadecuados, información inadecuada y pérdidas financieras. Disponible en español. Read More →

Precauções e recomendações para a prática de exercício físico em face do COVID-19: uma revisão integrativa

A maioria das evidências recomendam a realização de atividade física moderada regular durante e após a pandemia. No entanto, recomendações mais específicas sobre a intensidade, o tipo de exercício, séries e duração do treino precisam de maiores investigações. Disponível em português. Read More →

Análise preditiva de casos confirmados de COVID-19 no Brasil e em oito países baseada no modelo não linear de Gompertz

A aceleração absoluta evidenciou aumento e a aceleração por dia demonstrou que apenas o Brasil está em movimento acelerado de casos e a tendência é que passe a diminuir somente a partir de 04/julho. As correlações sugerem que a eficácia da quarentena não está relacionada à sua extensão (dias), já que países com maior densidade populacional apresentaram diminuição de casos em menor tempo de restrição. Disponível em português. Read More →

A COVID-19 no Brasil e os grupos socialmente vulneráveis: do reconhecimento de necessidades à institucionalização de direito

De maneira que nesse texto verifica-se uma transformação de um problema originariamente social, mas que tem uma dimensão jurídica, em um objeto de estudo pluridimensional, possibilitando assim responder não apenas às demandas jurídicas, mas também as questões morais, sociais, econômicas, urbanas e políticas. Disponível em português. Read More →

COVID-19 e os impactos na saúde mental: uma amostra do Rio Grande do Sul

Os resultados indicaram que não ser trabalhador da saúde, ter renda diminuída no período, fazer parte do grupo de risco e estar mais exposto a informações sobre mortos e infectados, são fatores que podem provocar maior prejuízo na saúde mental nesse período pandemia. Discute-se esses fatores e sua associação ao distanciamento social. Disponível em português. Read More →